Chapter 19 - The Art of Truth

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A/N: I know this chapter is super late, but I've had a bad, busy couple of weeks and writing has (sadly) been the last thing on my mind. My exams are also happening pretty soon, so I won't really be doing any new writing until they're over. Luckily, I did finish editing the ending of AoT, so I'm going to upload those chapters pretty soon, if possible. I can't provide a date, but those chapters are definitely coming. In the mean time, enjoy! Read, vote, comment, share and all the rest :) Thanks!


Chapter Nineteen – The Art of Truth

We all stared at Art, shocked more by his use of the first-person than his words. Aware that he had our attention, he faltered for a moment, before continuing.

“They took me when I was barely five years old. I didn’t have parents, so it was easy for me to disappear from the children’s home...They – was just one person then. Raven. I remember him working there, watching me whenever I drew and cut patterns out of paper. He must have seen the effect that those symbols had and worked out that I was perfect for his plans.”

His eyes were wide and earnest as he spoke, his shoulders tensing with each word. He paused to take a breath in the silence that filled the room. There wasn’t a hint of deception on his face. He was releasing the story he had held onto for too long.

“He kept me locked up for years, learning countless symbols and putting them to use. Because of my ability – an ability he didn’t have – he pretended that I was the answer to all the world’s problems while slowly turning me into a monster. I knew what I was becoming, aware that I was nothing more than a prisoner and a weapon...I tried to escape several times, but it never worked and he somehow knew whenever I told a lie, so I learnt the art of bending the truth and became someone else.”

He looked at me, searching for some acknowledgment, and I nodded for him to keep talking.

“I’ve seen his plans. They will bring about the destruction of the entire world if he succeeds...but, I don’t care about that. I don’t want to be a prisoner anymore. I hate this existence and an end to it is all that I want. Helping me is not an empty promise. You’ll rob the Conspiracy of their most powerful threat to the world, and I’ll be free. All that I ask is for you to keep me safe,” he said.

He sat back, his story finished. I kept my expression neutral as I looked around at the others. Kairo had his head tilted back, his face undecided, and Jared smiled gently at me. Jen seemed the most agitated, fiddling with her gun and pacing.

“It would benefit us just as much if we simply killed you,” she said, breaking the silence. “Then we wouldn’t have to take your word for anything. You took a big risk coming here, Art.”

“He took the risk because he knows it’s worth it,” I said. “He can trust us and he can’t do this alone.”

I surprised myself with those words, which I had spoken softly. Art and I both knew that he couldn’t trust me to help him – he had more than enough reason to the contrary – yet he looked to me for support. And I gave it to him.

“His story checks out,” Jared said. “I’ve heard it before and verified most of it. I don’t sell information I’m not sure of, especially not when it affects me friends.”

Kairo said nothing. He remained calm in a way that unsettled me. I expected him to start shooting something or glaring any minute, but he didn’t.

“We’ll talk about this again tomorrow. I – “ he was cut off by a sudden, piercing scream from Anna, who stared at the walls and shrieked at something that wasn’t there.

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