Girl Problems

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Comment: Peter complains about life so Wanda and Shuri teach him about the pains every girl has to go through (things like periods and bras) @DreamBird711

Lmao considering I'm a 13 year old (Now 14.) which is the prime age for puberty and crap like that, great timing lmao


Oh btw Peter is 14, Shuri 15, Wanda is 15

Prompt: Pains of Being a Girl





Peter was done. He was so annoyed with everything, from school to his family, just everything. His day was especially ruined when he had began to scroll through his Instagram only to see boys who look better than him. He sometimes longed to have lighter eyes and hair, and though he was very toned and muscular, he wished he wasn't as slim so they were as noticeable.

(Just to clarify, I believe that boys have problems with appearance too and they also have struggles, but for this story I'm stressing the struggles of being a girl)

When he arrived back at the tower he was in mood. He kept silently critiquing himself about everything. At the the dinner table, Shuri was the first one to notice his change in demeanor.

"What's up memelord?" She commented while looking at him. Wanda then looked at him, along with the rest of the team.

"It's just-" Peter then broke. "Everyone expects boys to look like Uncle Thor! Like, not matter how hard I work out I can't look like that!" Peter finished resting his head on one palm as he stabbed at his food.

Tony just looked over to Peter with an alarmed questioning glance. He's never seen Peter so insecure about his looks, let alone complain. The kid was decent looking.

"I feel your pain," Shuri stated. Peter looked up with a slightly annoyed glance.

"No, you don't. You're not a boy."

"So? Us girls still go through this insecurity stuff to," Wanda chimed in. The adults at the table already knew where this conversation was headed and watched in amusement.

"Yeah but society makes it seem like you girls always have it the hardest, but really we have problems too!" Peter stood up as his voice rose, so did Shuri and Wanda.

"Well that's because we do have it the hardest! Everyone expects us to look like Aunt Tasha!" Wanda said aloud. At that Clint spit out his water which made the adults try hard not to laugh out loud.

"Plus, most of us are pressured to look like that from middle school!" Shuri harshly stated.

"That's not what I would consider "harder", since boys and girls face the problem!"

"So then your point was invalid before Peter!"

"Alright, fine! Tell me Miss "my life is so hard", how is being a girl harder than being a boy! You guys are the ones who are automatically entitled to everything, you mature faster, and whatever you say is right! Not to mention you can say anything that goes wrong is at the fault of a man and have no punishment!" Peter has walked closer to the girls at this point. His annoyance was at a really high point.

"Guys someone make popcorn this is ganna be an interesting argument," Tony whispered to the team. Cap then slowly got up to make a bunch of popcorn for this mess. The rest of the team got more comfortable in their seats.

"Oh, so it's ganna be like that?" Shuri began. "Maturing fasted is not a blessing, Parker. Do you know how hard it is to have puberty as a girl?"

"I had health class, the only thing you get that might suck are periods."

The male adults (basically everyone besides Natasha) turned a slight shade of red. Natasha just began to pick her nails with a blade and had a slight smirk raise onto her face.

"Oh snap."

"Excuse me?!" Wanda raised her voice, her eyes glimmering a slight red hue. "Not only do those suck, but they are awful! Your hormones go crazy, you literally think you're dying because of the waterfall coming out of you, and the cramps are so bad I bet they can compare to child labor! Honestly you're so ignorant Peter!"

"Ok, so? That's only one thing. That's it!" Peter was getting more angry as the fight went by. If it were normal circumstances, he would have been embarrassed.

"No there's more!"

"Ok, then tell me why don't you!"

"I will!"

"Then do it!"

"Fine," Wanda glares at Peter. Immediately, the rest of the team knew Peter had made a grave mistake.

"Let's talk boobs, Parker. They're not all what they are lead up to be. They are freaking weights on your chest that prohibit you from doing certain things if you don't have the right bra."

"Oh and not only that," Shuri spoke up. "But bras are a pain to, because now you don't only have a weight stuck to ur chest, but you also have a contraption strapped around your body to hold in your boobs so they don't go flopping around everywhere and being such an inconvenience." Shuri then walked closer to Peter throwing a light push yet hard enough to make him slightly stumble.

"Sometimes they also get sensitive, which is a loose loose situation no matter what you do."

At this point Peter didn't even attempt to speak.

"Oh and being a girl also sucks because of the wage-"

"Let me stop you right there. There is no such thing as the wage gap. There just isn't," Peter said matter-a-factly. (Don't come at me)

"Ok well we still have to struggle with fitting in more than boys."

"Ok, so?"

"We have more pressures on our appearance."

"True that," Natasha wooped from her seat.

"We are often told we can't do things because of our gender."


"We literally couldn't vote less than 100 years ago."


"Most girls can't join certain sports they like because there's not a girls team for it at their school. Oh, and even if there is a girls team, there's never a crowd there to watch."

At this, Peter's face turned cherry red in annoyance.

"You know what, I'm done. You win! I'm sick of this. Wanda, Shuri, you won. Wow hooray. Bye!" Peter yelled as he left the room in frustration.

The room was silent for a little until the teen girls left the room too.





"Well then, I guess girls do have it harder."

"You bet your ass we do," Natasha snarled. "Anyways have a nice day." She concluded as she walked off.

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