Oh, you !

27 4 2


He shuts me up by locking ourselves in a deep tongue-kiss. I can't really move because he pinned my arms on the wall.

"Why did you take long to open the door..?"

He whispers into my ears.

"I was on phone with Seokjin."

He tilts his head and stares at me.

"Does he know about us?"


He chuckles and continues kissing me around my face.


On the next day, Hoseok comes to me.

"Oppa, why do you always buy-"


He always buys excess amount of food for me to store and eat for the next many days.



"When's your next post?"

"Haha, are you interested, too?"

"You know I'm the biggest fan."

"Yeah, I do. Oh, someone even sent me a private message saying that he or she loves my work."

"Private message? Really?"


"He or she can just comment down there though. Why does he do that?"

"No idea."

"Anyway, I'm going now. What do you have to do today?"

"Probably, dinner with Seokjin and Namjoon."

"Go to the restaurant. You cooked for them yesterday, right?"

"I did."

"Okay okay, I'm going now. See you later, dong saeng."

"Bye, oppa."

Hoseok finally leaves and I lie down on the sofa. Where should we go?

At about 5:00pm, I took a shower and started choosing clothes. Running my fingers through my long black hair, I put on some mascara on my lashes.

"Is this the one?"

I hold a light grey blazer and look myself in the mirror.

"Maybe yeah!"

I put it on and smile because I love how I'm looking at this moment. Light grey blazer with a black top under it and long black pants. As usual, I quickly grab my keys, brown bag, put on my brown boots and run downstairs to see Seokjin and Namjoon.


"Is it okay if we bring him with us?"

Jimin, who is standing right next to Seokjin, looks so shy and doesn't even look at my face.

"Sure, why not?"

"Give me the keys. I'll drive today."

Seokjin takes my key and gets on the car. Namjoon sits beside him, so Jimin and I are together in the backseat.

*notification sound*


I take out my phone and find out that User134340 sent me a private message again.

"Omg, your latest post literally got me in tears. I'm so in love with it. Awwn!"

Seokjin looks at me through the rear-view mirror.

"Hing? What was that?"

"Oh, there's that one user who had once sent me a private message to my blog saying that he loves my work. He just sent me a message again."

Namjoon suddenly turns to me.



"Invincible 쓰지"

"How do you know my blog? Seokjin told you?"

"Was that User134340?"


I check my phone-screen again.


"Omo nah!"


"That's me!"

"What!? Really!?"

"Yes!!! I've been reading your blog posts nowadays and fell in love with them!"

"Oh my god, I've never even imagined that it would be someone I know."

"I literally had no idea that would be you, too!"

"Anyway, thank you so much, Namjoon-ah."

"Keep up! I love your work so much!"

"Thanks again, dude!"

So, we head to that one restaurant we always go to whenever Seokjin comes back in town. Although Jimin is very new with the three of us, he manages to blend in with us so well.

I get to know that Jimin is actually from Busan through our fun conversation at the table. That's why I can even hear some dialects from him. Haha, he's a nice guy though.




"I'm tired..."

He grasps my arm and puts his head on my right shoulder.



"I'm sorry..."


"Nah, nothing..."

He staggers to the living-room and throws himself onto the sofa. I go into my bedroom, bring my blanket and cover his body with it.

He slowly touches my face and smiles slightly. I also smile back at him, give him one soft kiss on his lips and look into his eyes.

"Good night..."

He smiles and closes his eyes. Then, he falls asleep right away. Ahh.., this guy...

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