The Poor Busan Boy

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The next day, I drop Seokjin and Namjoon at the bus-station and say goodbye. Oh, and Jimin is with me, too.

On the way back,



"Can I ask about you?"

"Sure, you can."

"How did you know Seokjin? I normally know all of his friends but I've never heard of you so..."

"Oh. He and I were in the same school. I moved here during the sixth grade. And that's when I met him."

"I see..."


"Haha, he and I have been friends since the very first grade."

"Wow, that's such a long friendship, then."

"Right... We know each other's ups and downs and literally everything...too much."

I chuckle because I become a bit embarrassed to talk about my friendship with Seokjin. I've never thought about it deeply like that so.

"You can visit me at The 95s by the way...if you want to."

"What's that?"

"Cafe. My friend and I opened it together."

"Oh, sure! I'll visit you."

"This is my card."

He gives me his "business" card.

"Park Jimin. We share the same family name, huh."

"Right. Oh, here!"

"You want me to drop you here?"

"Yeah yeah."

So, I park my car at the place he told me to drop him off.

"Thank you, Soojin-ssi."

"No problem! You can call me casually, by the way. Let's be friends."

"Haha, okay. I'll see you later."

"See you, Jimin-ah."

He gets off the car and waves goodbye at me. So, I wave at him back and head to my apartment.

One week later,

*phone rings*


"Hello, Park Soojin-ssi?"

"Umm, yes?"

"Oh, I'm from JK Magazine Company."



"Yes, I called you to let you know that we chose your article to be featured in our magazine next month."


"Omo! For real!?"

"For real. We enjoyed reading your writing. It's so fresh and fun."

"Thank you so much! Thank you for appreciating my work."

"No problem, miss. So, excuse me but I have to leave now."

"Oh, sure, okay. Bye!"


I throw myself onto my bed and squeal.


I decided to call Hoseok.

"Aww, Soojin-ah?"

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