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THEY have been friends since her 10th birthday; on that day, her parents got her a book. Her new friend, Draco.

It wasn't your typical book, diary, sketchbook, etc. It was a book with a mirror in it. When she laid her eyes on the mirror, she squealed out of excitement. Then, you don't always get a book that has a mirror in it, do you?

Aurora found it outstanding. The fact that she had that book made her outstanding. What made her even more outstanding, was her new friend: Draco.

He was always with her. She didn't dare let him out of her reach; she couldn't risk the possibility of someone stealing her book, her friend.

One of her older brothers, having seen his sister talking with the book, tried summoning her friend once, but it didn't work. Draco came for her, and only her.

Having enough with her daughter always walking around the house, talking to a bookhow ridiculous──she sighed heavily, which made Aurora look up at her.

"Is something the matter?" The innocent girl asked her mother, raising her eyebrows and scanning her carefully.

"Aurora." Oh no, her mother only used that tone when something needed to be talked about. Aurora, having been in trouble multiple times already, knew that tone too well.

"Is everything alright with you?" Her mother asked in a soft, caring tone. She inched with her chair a wee bit closer to her daughter, holding her small, smooth hand.

With a quick "wait" to her friend, who was asking what was going on there, Aurora closed her book with her other hand, directing her attention towards her mother.

"Why are you asking?" She raised her eyebrows at her again, a habit she got from her father, and rested her chin on her left palm.

"You are always talking," her mother took a quick glance at the book which was laying on the center of the small table, "with that book. If there's anything I should know. . ."

"Nope, everything is alright." Snatching her book from the table, she stood up and rapidly left the kitchen with an unpleasant feeling about her mother asking about her book.

After entering her room, she closed the door and trailed to her bed. Making herself comfortable on her bed, she opened the book and sighed at the look of confusion that was written on Draco's face.

"And what exactly was the meaning of that?" He questioned, the look of confusion gone from his face just to be replaced with annoyance.

"It was my mom. Asking me if I was alright because I'm talking to a book. I don't blame her, I probably look like an idiot!" she said, running her hands through her hair.

Chuckling nastily, he confirmed, "Yes, you do." They have been friends for years now, of course he knew that she could be incompetent sometimes.

"I wish you were here. Like, really here and not in the book. We could go to Florean Fortescue together! I heard there's a new flavour now. . . Firewhiskey."

"Firewhiskey? You aren't of age yet, sweetheart," he scoffed, "stick to your butterbeer ice cream, little girl."

"You're only saying that because I'm able to buy it and you're not!" she teased, childishly sticking her tongue out at him.

He smirked at her, confirming it.

"You said once. . . that you could get out of this book if you really wanted to. . .," she looked at him expectingly, waiting for him to say 'yeah, shall i show you?'

Running a hand through his hair, he replied more coolly than he expected, "How many times did I tell you that it's too risky for me to do that?"

She pouted, which made him soft instantly whether he liked it or not, "Draco, please. Pretty please!"

He groaned, causing her to roll her eyes, knowing very well she shouldn't push his limits. She closed the book, placed it beneath her pillow and let herself sink into the depths of sleep.


Yawning, Aurora stretched wearily, putting her hand beneath her pillow to grasp for the book, but halted in her actions when she didn't feel anything besides the silky fabric of her bedsheet.

"He's not gone, he's not gone," she muttered, trying to calm herself down while looking everywhere for the book.

When she couldn't find him anywhere, she began to panic. Aurora ran down the stairs, thinking she might have left it on the table in the kitchen, which was ridiculous for she was sure she had taken it with her.

She let out a little cry when she stopped by the kitchen door. Was that one of her illusions again? Was the universe thinking, 'hey let's get her hopes up even more!' or has she gone completely mad?

He twitched at the sound, turned around and revealed a satisfied, wide smile. Draco stood up from the chair he had been sitting on and walked a few inches towards her.

"You .   .   . you came out of the book!"

"Surprise, sweetheart."

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