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Tony: Did you parent ever tell you to pay up what you break?
Steve: Yes but wh-
Tony: Hearts sell for one million pay up bitch
Steve: *comes in with leather jacket and shades*
So I heard you have a thing for bad boys.
Y/n: No,not really
Steve: *throws the shades and jacket*
Oh thank the gods
Coach in p.e: Okay time to introduce yourself today?
Coach: Next up Parker.
Peter: Hello my names Peter B. Parker and I have a fear of bugs
Y/n: Where's the b?
Peter: ThEre'S a BeE?!
Rocket: So tell my again... where are you from again?!
Thor: Asgard
Rocket: So that makes you Asgardian?
Thor : Yes and humans on earth are Midgardians
Rocket: Okay and-
Peter: WhEre ThE BaCKyArdiAns
Tony: Peter no...

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