
487 16 3

Ariana Grande

I glanced at him as I wiped my tears he looked up at me "I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you" I lifted my head and met his eyes they were a beautiful innocent shade of green.

But when I met his eyes this time, they were a reflection of my own. They were broken, confused lost.

We both thought we needed each other, we had thought that we were perfect but in reality, we had torn each other apart.

We had once believed that we were two halves of a whole, but now we were just broken pieces, shattered by broken hopes and dreams.
I finally got the courage to speak "You lied to me you promised me forever" I tried to look at his eyes and have the strength to not break down.

"What did you expect?" he asks.
What did I expect? Certainly not this I wasn't expecting for him to stop loving me so quickly.
"I used to dream I would meet the one" I take a deep breath before continuing "I thought my dream was coming true the day I met you but I guess you're not the one and I guess dreams don't come true".

'I'm standing here with a broken heart and broken dream Because of you' is what I truly want to say.
"I was never the one for you" he says he sticks his hands in his pockets the room was silence for a couple of minutes before he spoke again.

"I can't handle this" was the last thing he said to me before he disappeared through the doorway and left my life forever.

I stood there with a blank mind, trying to comprehend what had happened, where it went wrong, where I went wrong.

I spent the whole night contemplating that one line as it swam around my head.

What I realized was that what he had been saying wasn't that he couldn't handle this, us, whatever we were, what he was really saying was
"I can't handle you".

I couldn't help but think that, despite all the Nicholas Sparks bullshit romance movies tell you, that perhaps all relationships were just a simple case of who gives up first. As I fell asleep, I kept trying to decide which option was worst: giving up on someone when you swore you wouldn't, or waking up to find that they had already given up on you.

Hello cuties! It's your girl I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter it's officially the prologue the first chapter will come soon :)


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