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eventually, what a dumb word. benji didn't care for it. he didn't want to worry about eventually. he liked now. he'd have to tell his parents about this, wouldn't he? did he have to? what even was it? they were kind of friends—closer to strangers actually, who talked everyday and kissed often. who did things that would probably be considered dates. and he couldn't deny that he felt something. he just didn't know what it was.

it wasn't that benji had nothing to compare it to—but jorge was just so different from the rest. he felt like more than just someone to mess around with. more precious than that. but all these feelings—what was he supposed to do with them?

it was hot. the sun beat down on them as benji realized just why they didn't see many other people outside that day. they were well on their way to get lunch together, walking sluggishly and sweating heavily.

"ai, hue puta," jorge said just then, "who needs lunch? not us we do not,"

"but i'm hunnngryyy," benji whined. it was insufferable but he'd be damned if he didn't get sustenance.

"you're always hungry, benjamin."

benji pouted but didn't argue. it's not like he was wrong. he remembered something, just then, something that made him feel stupid for not thinking of before.

the lake. it was only just over half an hour away on foot.. and not many other people would be there. everyone else would be at the pool or at the bigger lake. just thinking about it made him want to be there right away and jump in.

"come on, i just thought of something!" he exclaimed.

"wow, that's a first," jorge snorted.

benji gave him a little shove and picked up his pace, not daring to run in fear of sweating more. they traveled through the streets, breezes giving them some satisfaction the closer they approached to the lake.

"oh, wow.." jorge trailed off, and wow was right. in the shining sun, the sun expanse of the lake gleamed and glittered almost magically. they could see a few people padding along the shore, but they came and went, which meant the boys practically had the lake to themselves.

as they approached the bank, benji quickly slipped off his shoes and socks, then in one fluid motion slid his shirt off his body.

"like what you see?" he teased, for jorge was (as usual) watching him. jeys cheeks pinked but only a minuscule , for they were already red from the heat. he also took his shirt off and followed as benji was already in the water.

he groaned loudly, "this was the best idea i've ever had. oh my god."

"i agree," jey sighed as he waded deeper into the cool, fresh water. suddenly, benji dove down into it, splashing jey as he came up for air and his wet hair sent droplets flying everything. they both laughed loudly, diving under and splashing each other without a care in the world. in the back of his mind, benji wondered what people thought of them together. two longtime friends, enjoying a day in the heat? or lovers? would anyone dare think that? it felt so effortless with jorge, and every passing moment only reminded him more gravely of how fast time was leaving them.

a/n yes i'm back from the dead

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