Part One : The Beginnning ..

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( * HARMONY'S POV * ) ---

UGHHHHH !! I hate it here , i can never do what i want i just turned 17 and still get treated like I'm 12. Harmony ! You will not leave this house you are on restriction for a month should have listened to me when i told you not to go out. Now you've caused the police to be watching my house cause the shit you get into with your messy ass friends all the time. Ms. Sanchez yelled. (harmony's mom). I sighed , looked at her and just ran to my room slamming my door behind me. As i sat there starring at my ceiling i started to think about what was i gonna do this whole month stuck in this hell hole of a house. Knowing the hugest party is going on in 2 weeks for all seniors that i am for sure going to attend on any circumstances. "Hold You Down" The song started playing threw my phone knocking me out of my thoughts. I sat up on my bed and looked at the caller id. "My Ace" was flashing on my screen. I finally answered it after the 4th ring . Hello , I said lowly on the phone keeping my mother from coming in my room and taking my phone away to. Hey BITCH ! Zanaye yelled through the phone. Damn Za you didn't have to fuck up my ear with all that yelling in shit , I laughed.

Za ; Guuuuuuuurrrl , so what happened when you got home?

Harmony ; Man Za I'm stuck in this place for a whole month now because of your crappy ass so called friends wanna have marijuana on them and wanna drive , knowing damn well ain't have no license.

Za ; Damn "mony" (nickname Za gave me when we were younger) I'm sorry i really didn't know Sam and Mitch had all that on them. You know we just all be trying to have fun and shit. I chuckled

Harmony ; Yea i know i know. But Umma call you tomorrow , Umma go take this shower and cuddle with my pillow and doze off.

Za ; I laughed , alright then , goodnight best friend.

*Hangs Up Phone*


I plugged my phone up to its charger and sat it on my night stand. Got off my bed and rambled through my drawer , pulling out a black nike sports bra and some boy shorts to match. I hopped in the shower did my hi gene and was out in 30 minutes, one of the shortest showers I've had all week. I dried off while looking at my frame in the mirror , I'm kinda short I'm at least 5'2 to 5'3 , i have caramel colored skin with full lips and a coke bottle shaped body , my hair is almond brown and naturally curly , i get that from my dads side of the family. I finished putting on my bed clothes, tossed my dirty clothes in my hamper turned my night light off and laid under my comfortable covers. In lest then 10 minutes i was out into a deep sleep.

( * ZANAYE'S POV* ) -----

After getting off the phone with mony , i received a text from Sam.


Sam Sam - You good ma :) ?

Zaaaaay - Yeah I'm good , just got off the phone with mony she pretty pissed at what happened tonight when we got pulled over.

Sam Sam - Make sure you tell her i apologize and Mitch does to .

Zaaaaay - Ill be sure to do that (: .

Sam Sam - Thanks Ma . I Miss You Tho . <3

Zaaaaay - Awe I Miss You Too Boo . :*

Sam Sam - Alright Ma , Good Night . <3

Zaaaaay - Good Night .

( * ZANAYE'S POV * ) ----

No , me and Sam are not dating. We've just became closer over the past year and a half. My mother past away a year and some months ago. She was only 38 and was diagnose with cancer then god took her away from me. I was so upset i didn't think i would of made it. But Sam was always there for me , i had a shoulder to cry on and someone to talk to when i needed. I couldn't talk to my father he was grieving himself, and started to drink real heavily when my mom passed. Some nights he doesn't even come home. I get worried but Sam is always there for support. We thought about being together once , but he had forget he is in a relationship with a girl name Alecia. We both have feelings for each other that we dont show in public. So we decided to be BEST FRIENDS , now i have two best friends . Its hard to be best friends with a person you shared a passionate kiss with. He's the only guy I've ever felt sparks with by kissing them. I cant have him tho. I sighed while just thinking about it. Its 11:30 pm and i need to take a shower. I went into the bathroom turned on the water to a decent temperature and found me some under wear and a big t shirt. i dont wear a bra to sleep its very uncomfortable to me. I got in the shower and was out in 15. I dried off and lotions my body and pulled my hair up into a high bun and rapped my sharif around it. I set my alarm on my phone for church in the morning then laid in bed. I fell into a deep sleep thinking about me and Sam's friendship.

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