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The café's empty, thankfully, and I take the seat furthest from the window. The waitress is a little annoyed I only order a water, but she must be able to sense the waves of fear pouring off me because she doesn't say anything, doesn't even look me in the eye. She can sense the danger the way an animal senses an earthquake, or a tsunami. She can feel the witch through my skin, she can hear her through my breath, she can see her watching in the darkness where my shadow hits the wall.

She places the glass beside me and vanishes behind the counter, through a door into the kitchen. I know I won't see her again the same way I know nobody else will walk in through the door while I'm here.

I'm only half right, as it turns out.

I lay the folder before me like it's a holy book, opening it. These are Cara's printouts, so her notes are there as well, scrawled on every page. I'll come to them later, but the first thing I do is find the story I haven't read yet, placing it on top of the others. I'm surprised at how short it is, just a page and a half, printed in the same font as the other stories on creeepy.com. I see straight away it's one of those instructional CreepyPastas, the ones that make you play a game, or follow a set of rules. The Elevator Game is the one that springs to mind, but there are dozens of them.

"Come on then, you bastard," I say to it.


added by _unknown_ on 30.11.2003.


- start at the northernmost station. For me it's Chesham, but it don't even matter because every city is the same, jeeves it if you don't know.

- you can get on by yourself, or with another person. I don't think it matters. But know this, if you get on with another person you know, then what happens next is worse.

- take the train to the first interchange. You have to get off here, and take the line that goes east or south. Stay on this train for three stops, get out on the fourth.

- get on the same train, but going back the way you've just come. Go past the original interchange and travel three more stops, get out on the fourth.

- get on the same train again, going back. You will notice that this time, the carriage will be empty. There might be people on the other carriages, but the one you are in will be empty. If it's not, you've done something wrong. If you get on this train, it's TOO LATE to turn back.

- When the doors close, sit down somewhere in the middle, next to a window. Look forward. When the train starts moving you will hear a woman sit down behind you. DO NOT turn and look at her. Do not acknowledge her in any way. She is looking for you.

- The train will stop. Nobody will get on. The woman is still sitting behind you. She won't be doing anything, but she is there. You may hear her talking, but do not reply. She is blind, but she is looking for you.

- The train will stop two more times, it will stay empty apart from you and the woman in the seat behind you. After the third stop you will feel her stand up and walk away. Do not follow her. Do not look.

- when you arrive back at the interchange, everything will seem normal. But it is not. You have found a way beneath the skin of her world, you are in. You MUST get off the train here. If you do not, you will be forever lost.

- Always leave a seat behind you. If you do not, she will sit beside you instead. You cannot survive this.

- this will work anywhere there is an underground railway.

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