Chapter 3

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"You do?" Chaeyoung's brows lifted. "Um... do I know you?"

"You really don't remember?" he asks. Rather than disappointed, he sounds surprised.

Chaeyoung's face twists in confusion. "Have we actually met before?"

The man lets out a laugh, and Chaeyoung can imagine him saying 'unbelievable' based on his expression, but he doesn't say it. "Yeah. Last night."

She gulps. "Meaning?" she asks, although she has a clue what he's talking about.

"Damn, that can only mean one thing," he mutters to himself but doesn't go unheard by her. "You were so wasted," he says after smiling and staring at her for a little too long that it makes her feel a bit uncomfortable.

"You were yelling and crying at your phone outside the bar before you passed out," he tells her, and her entire body burns in embarrassment, because she can really hear her friends' silent laughter. "You kinda woke up for a while and cried and told me where you lived and sort of passed out again after I got you in the cab."

"So, I got home on my own?"

"Actually, I went with you," he says. "I didn't want something to happen to you. You know. Just in case."

"Sorry to interrupt this sweet reunion," Taehyung obviously interrupts and stands beside her. "But, Chaeng, you don't remember you had a one-night stand with him?"

Chaeyoung's mouth opens as she abruptly turns to Taehyung, slaps the back of his shoulder with so much force that Taehyung grimaces and enlarges his eyes at her.

"We didn't have a one-night stand!" she hisses, her teeth clenched before she feels a tiny doubt floating like a dust in her mind and slowly, she turns to the man, "...did we? Like...did we something like-"

He chuckles and shakes his head. "No."

"See?" She feels a rush of relief going through her system before she glares at Taehyung.

Just then, Lisa comes to her other side and places her long arm around Chaeyoung's shoulder, gestures something to Taehyung before she turns them around and brings her towards where Jimin and Jisoo are standing.

"Can you wait here a second?" says Taehyung to the man and a second later, he is already next to Chaeyoung.

"That's a candidate right there," Lisa whispers after they all lower their head and draw their faces closer.

"I agree," Jimin nods.

"Candidate for what?" Chaeyoung whispers back, feeling lost.

"Not gonna lie, he's very good looking," Jisoo says, not whispering, before Taehyung hushes her with a very loud 'Ssh!'

"And he looks like her type," Lisa whispers.

"Candidate for what?" Chaeyoung repeats.

"Plus, he doesn't look like he's a bad guy," Taehyung adds.

"He took her home and left," Jimin whispers. "That's a very huge hint of how kind he is."

"Definitely Chaeyoung's type," Jisoo says and scrunches her face when she realizes that she forgot to whisper and Lisa and Taehyung hush her with a louder 'Ssh!!!' than the first time.

"Guys, I'm right here discussing with you all, but I'm feeling so left out," Chaeyoung whines in a loud whisper. "What are you guys even talking about? Candidate for what, exactly?"

"For you to bring as a date to Chanyeol's wedding," Lisa finally answers her.

Chaeyoung's brows knit. "Why would I bring him? I don't even know him."

"Who are you going to bring, then?" Jimin asks, eyes narrowed.

"You," Chaeyoung smiles.

"I thought I mentioned that I'll be in Japan during that time," Jimin tells her and her face falls before she turns to Taehyung.

"Taehyung, then."

"He's going with me," Jisoo casually says.

Chaeyoung finally looks at Lisa, but the latter shakes her head. "Don't look at me. I'm bringing Jackson to the wedding."

She grumbles. "Well, then, I'll get my other friends to come with me."

Lisa shakes her head vigorously. "No, you can't."

"Why not? It's more logical to go with someone that I know," Chaeyoung says. "I can't go with that guy. I don't know anything about him. Not even his name."

Then, Jimin pulls his head away from them and straightens his neck. "What's your name?"

The man, who's surprisingly hasn't left yet, answers, "Jungkook."

Jimin goes back into the discussion. "There. Now you know his name."

"But I don't know know him," Chaeyoung argues.

"That's exactly the point!" Lisa smiles wider. "That's why you should take him as your fake boyfriend to the wedding!"

Chaeyoung narrows her eyes. "I still can't see the point in bringing a stranger with me to the wedding."

Jisoo sighs heavily and responses lengthily, "Look, you want to prove that you're so much better without Chanyeol. If you bring anyone from your circle of friends, do you think he's going to believe that? Did you actually forget that your actual circle of friends is also among his circle of friends? He knows all of your friends. If you go with someone that Chanyeol doesn't know as your fake boyfriend, it's going to be a good proof of how your life no longer revolves around him."

Chaeyoung bites her lip and sighs.

"Oh, come on, don't act like you don't want to at least kiss him," Jimin says. "I mean, I would. Look at his lips. They're shiny and kissable."

"Jimin," Lisa warns. "This isn't about you. Focus."

"Right, right," Jimin chuckles. "But seriously, Chaeyoung. This could be fate."

"Yes," Lisa firmly agrees. "Besides, you two really look like you'd devour each other just now. Like, we don't exist!"

"Exactly," Taehyung nods his head. "Imagine what they'd do if I never interrupted them."

"Guys, please," Chaeyoung groans.

"Okay, now go. It's your chance," Jisoo gestures her to go with a shooing motion of her hand.

"What if he doesn't want to do it?"

Lisa sputters and makes a smug face. "Offer him money. Everyone loves money. He's not gonna say no."

Chaeyoung frowns. "Not everyone's going to do anything for money, Lisa."

"Oh man," Jimin whistles, "she's really out here defending the man she just met. No doubt this is fate."

"You mean, soulmate?" Taehyung adds with a grin. "Oh hey, they all rhyme!"

Then, Jimin and Taehyung smirk to each other as they say it together. "Soulmate."

"Focus!" Lisa whisper-yells at the two men.

Jisoo on the other hand, sighs heavily again. "Didn't you hear him earlier? He said the food on the ground was the last thing he could eat. Sounds like a broke man."

"There you have it. You can hire him to pretend as your boyfriend that you can bring to the wedding. You're both helping each other. Fair deal," Lisa tries to convince her.

Chaeyoung looks down at her feet, stares at the worn-out sandals she's wearing and eventually sighs with a reluctant nod. Lisa squeals in delight, giddily turns her body around and pushes her toward Jungkook – Chaeyoung's surprised she remembers his name.

"Okay, um..." Chaeyoung begins, swallowing even when she doesn't need to. "So, about earlier. I... I'm sorry. For what I did to your food. I'll buy you something, anything that you'd like to eat, but I also have a favor to ask."

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