Chapter 12

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Jungkook crosses his arms over his chest as he leans his hip against the counter, watching Chaeyoung moving around her kitchen, keeping all the newly purchased things in the cabinet.

"What do you want to eat today?" she asks.

He takes an apple into his hand, idly playing with it. "What are we celebrating?"

Chaeyoung halts and turns to him, brows furrowed. "Nothing?"

He breaks into a small smile. Jungkook isn't sure why Chaeyoung is doing all this. He's also unsure if she's taking the fake dating to a whole different level or she just doesn't realize that there's nothing 'fake' about this situation they are in. "You're going to cook for me?"

"For us," she says, her tone tells him how confusing that question is, as if it's a stupid question. She narrows her eyes at him. "You don't like my cooking?"

"I didn't say that," he chuckles. "So, what do you plan to cook?"

"I have no clue. That's why I'm asking you, what do you want to eat?"

Jungkook shrugs. "I can eat just about anything."

Chaeyoung looks at him with lips pressed together, groaning as she turns away. "Can't you please decide on something?"

He thinks for a while, humming a little and realizes that he may have taken her habit of humming when thinking. "Well, why don't you let me handle the kitchen for today?"

There's a ghost of smile on her lips, her arms crossed as she tilts her head at him, throwing him a skeptical look. "Can you cook?"

"Oh, baby, you're underestimating me," he scoffs and only realizes that he's just called her 'baby' when her whole expression changes.

He's not sure if she's fine with it although at the early stage of their fake relationship, she did mention to him not to call her anything like that. But at the same time, he's also not sure if she hates it, since she doesn't say anything right after that. Jungkook figures that he should just pretend not to realize that he said it.

"Step aside," he says, already rolling his sleeves. "I'm going to show you all my skills today."

She wordlessly lets him have his space in the kitchen, being the quietest she's been as she watches him working in the kitchen, taking a seat on a stool. It's when the stew he's working on is bubbling inside the pot that she begins to say something.

"Where did you learn how to cook like this?" she softly asks.

Jungkook glances up at her as he stirs. "Seokjin's a chef. He taught me some recipes."

"Seokjin?" She rests her chin on her palm. "Oh, your roommate last time?"

"Yeah." Jungkook signals her to taste, cocking his head as he takes a spoon, dips it into the pot and pretends that he didn't see how her movement falters when he gently blows on it. "Tell me how's it tastes."

Chaeyoung leans over the counter to taste it as she holds her hair on the side. Jungkook holds his smile when her eyes glint, her tongue slightly sticks out to lick her lips. She flashes him a smile and he's pretty sure he feels a pleasant warmth washing over him and it's not because of the stew he's cooking.

"Good," she nods.

"Good?" Jungkook lifts his brows and decides to tease her. "Your face says that it's beyond good."

"Gosh, stop showing off," she huffs, but there's a hint of smile on her face.

"It's not showing off. It's called stating the facts."

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