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He slowly closed the door, not making any kind of noise which would put him in trouble, and then he passed through the corridor. After taking a few steps, he accidentally pushed a vase off the table.

He shut his eyes and prayed for his survival, he turned around with guilty and found his grandpa staring at him in anger.

"Look! I am sorry. I won't be late next time, I promise. Now, don't give me that look. Mrs. Roy, my maths teacher, kept talking with me about my studies. And when she was done talking, it was almost six o' clock in the evening. And you know, it takes more than three hours to reach here by bicycle. It wasn't my fault. Now I have classes tomorrow, I am already late. I have to also study. Talk to you later. Goodnight, grandpa!"

He rushed inside his room and closed the door, not letting him speak even a single word. He doesn't like when his grandpa scolds him. He does not like to make him worry about him.

He slid his bag down on the floor and jumped in his soft bed. He was feeling bad but managed to get himself going. Without wasting a moment, he pulled the ladder out which went to his secret lab where he does his invasion. He took his bag and climbed up to his lab, it was really very small and nothing sort of advance lab but a homemade lab. He hurried to his table and brought out a highly advanced gun. It was his current invasion, and today he was about to test it.

He then searched for a place to test it. He looked at his table which looked really messy. He brought a coconut out from his bag, threw the things off the table, and placed the coconut on the table. Then he switched on his highly advanced gun. A green light came out of it and made a noise which brought a smile on his face. He aimed the coconut and was ready to test it. He got excited when the highly advanced gun started to vibrate. His heart was beating really fast, he was damn excited about this. The noise coming from it started increasing.

"Prem?" He panicked when he heard someone calling his name. His concentration was broke, within a nanosecond the big green light came out of it and hit the table. The impact was really big, the noise was very loud.


He took his table cloth and put in on the table and hid his highly advanced gun in his bag, and rushed out. He found Seema Aunty waiting for him outside. He was really shocked to find that he had forgotten to close the entrance door while coming. He was really lucky that Aunty didn't come in.

"Prem! What's happening? What was that noise?" she asked, trying to examine the rooms while standing outside.

"Nothing to worry! I was just shifting my bed, that's it. What happened, Aunty? Is there any problem?" He was trying hard to stay calm and not panic. Aunty seemed to be convinced with his excuse.

"Actually, I need some sugar to make tea for some guests. The guests arrived early and I am not even prepared, my husband is in the office. It will be nice if you help-" Prem nodded and went inside. After a minute he was back with a bowl filled with sugar. He gave it to her. She smiled at him.

"Thank you, beta. And how's your grandpa? Is his health okay now?"

"Yes, grandpa is fine. He is asleep at the moment. He can't meet you today." She just nods her head.

"Okay then, I'll meet him tomorrow. I should be leaving now, the guests must be waiting." After she had walked off, the smile on Prem's face disappeared. With a swift moment, he closed the door and locked it, and then rushed back to his secret lab.

He took his table cloth off the table and looked at it in shock. The table was badly destroyed, the place where the impact took place was having a big hole. He was happy but also was a bit sad. He doesn't like destroying things, but he was happy that he was able to build something. A big smile came into his face. He took his highly advance gun out from his bag and admired it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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