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John's POV

(f/n) (l/n) had always been... Different.

Not the bad kind of different but a good kind of different (okay, maybe there was a little bit of bad different).

One her first day of school she completely dissed the populars to their face. I, being one of those populars, was slightly offended but quickly got over it when she tripped a boy I heard her call hot earlier and made him land (face first) in his lunch.

After that, I started to admire her, growing a small - huge - crush on the (h/c).

She reminded me strongly of Karkat, an alien troll with some major anger issues and minor commutation issues. If I'm right, they were great friends, occasionally buying each other lunch and playfully shouting insults at each other.

Of course, even her connection to Karkat couldn't save her from bullying. Occasionally, she would get jumped on her way home by a group of guys that would demand her money. She would then wait until one took her shirt to punch them or make some blood pour. Then they would run off, yelling that they'll be back, which they probably would.

The first time we official meet would be on the way to school, this time instead of the regular bullies it would be a thug.

She was pulled into an alley, a knife pressed firmly against her back. "Hey pretty thang, give your money."

There was the usual blank on her face, not noticing anything different. "Wow," she said dryly. "You've upgraded from bats to knives."

Earlier in the week, she had been attacked by her bullies with a bat, the bruise on her cheek still visible. He pushed her forward, turning her around before quickly clasping back on her shoulder, the knife positioned at her gut.

Most people would be trembling in their boots but she just kept that blank look on her face. "Look, I don't want any trouble," she reached down her boot, pulling out a five. "This is all I have."

He looked at her suspiciously. After tucking his knife in his belt, he reached for the five only to get a punch in the face, the cracking could be heard from I stood.

He seemed thrown off by the sudden attack, like most of his victims didn't fight back. "Jake Cross," I breathed out as she walked up to him, grabbing his jacket.

"You're new to this, right?" I almost laughed at the sight, she was extremely short (sorry if you're tall) almost the size of a seventh grade and he was about 6'3".

He nodded as she sighed. "You can get out of this. Use your brain and get a job," she let him go, tugging his coat in place.

"I won't press charges but if you do this again, I will," she warned as he nodded, walking off.

She let in a deep breath before turning and punching the brick wall next to her. She examined the bleeding, split knuckles before punching the wall with the other hand.

I walked past the alley, acting like I was just passing by before...

"I know you were watching me."

She was on the ground, examine her hands. "W-What?" Damn, I stuttered.

She looked up at me now, her piercing (e/c) locked on my blue ones. "You were watching me."

I felt myself nodded before I stepped into the alley, near her, sticking my hand out. "Name's John, John Egbert."

She chuckled, a beautiful sound. Standing up, she brushed off her shirt. "Sorry to cut your crappy attempt at being friendly short but I have to get to this place where dreams are eaten and crapped out on your desk in front of you. Fun fact; it's called a school."

I raised an eyebrow as she stood up, grabbing her bag. "At least let me clean your knuckles." She glanced up at me through her eyelashes.


"I don't get the name of the pretty girl that punch a wall after she saw what happened?"

She turned, a half smile blossoming on her face. "I think you already know it."

And that was the day I promised myself I would solve the mystery of (f/n) (l/n).

(F/n) means first name

(L/n) means last name

(H/c) means hair color

(E/c) means eye color

Please tell me what you think of the first chapter and if you find any mistakes!

Hurricane ✘ John Egbert; HomestuckWhere stories live. Discover now