Chapter One

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Chapter One

Stephanie Richards sat at her desk, trying to keep her attention on the book in front of her, but she couldn't seem to focus. The words just swam in front of her eyes, nearly giving her a headache. Tired of the futile effort, she closed the book and pushed it aside. Her stomach tensed at the thought of the exam she had in a couple of days. Even so, she couldn't make herself continue for the night.

There's still time.

It was what she'd told herself over and over again over the years, and it hadn't come back to bite her so far. She laughed, thinking of what her sister would say right now if she were there. Deciding that she would take the inevitable advice before it could even be given, she stood. There was something going on somewhere, and she was going to find it.

Anything was better than sitting around her apartment all night. Her roommate wasn't home, so all she'd have to look forward to was staring at the book until she fell asleep, or vegging in front of the television, which she hated. No, she needed a distraction badly. She tapped her fingers on the desk in front of her as she considered who to call first.

Roxie might know something.

She picked up her phone and dialed her friend. After several rings, she got an answer.

"Roxie? I'm in real need of an escape right now. Tell me there's something going on tonight."

"There might be," the girl replied. "What are you in the mood for?"

"Tons of people, lots of noise. I want to get a break from this damn book. I haven't been able to concentrate all night."

"I think I can help with that," Roxanne replied. "Come by my place in fifteen, and we'll head out."

"Great! Thanks a lot, really. I'll see you then."

She quickly ended the call and tossed her phone into her bag, then changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before racing out the door.


"You saved me again," Stephanie said as she and Roxanne stood by the bar of a club Roxanne said was the best in town. Stephanie hadn't been to many, but she had to admit she was enjoying this one so far. The song blaring from the speakers was one of her favorites. Stephanie took a sip of her water while her friend chugged a drink.

"No problem," she said. "What's wrong with you tonight? Didn't you tell me before you were going to be locked up in your place all weekend studying?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I just can't focus tonight. I feel like I'm reliving the first semester of Freshman year."

"Ugh," Roxanne said, "Don't remind me of that. I almost flunked out." She raised an eyebrow and asked, "You're not nervous about that exam, are you?"

Stephanie scoffed. "Are you kidding? It's only the biggest one of my entire academic career, and the one thing standing between me and getting out of there."

"You know no one's keeping you in those classes..."

"I'm keeping me there. I want to do something more than work at my grandfather's company like my dad."

"Yeah, but this? Come on, you have to admit that it's a bit out there. Don't you think maybe you should be doing something else? Something less... attention-getting?"

She shook her head. "No way. It's all I've wanted to do my whole life. It's why I'm here."

"See, talk like this is what got you in so much trouble before. Not trying to be a bitch here; I'm just worried about you."

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