The Country

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Kara and Lena both made good on their vows and, in time, Lena headed down south to visit Kara in her hometown of Midvale.

"This will be new," the Luthor murmured to herself as she steered her car away from the busy interstate and onto a small town road. In her many travels, she'd passed small towns and country sides before, but she had never stopped in them. This would honestly be her first time in a world outside of a busy city. After another hour or so of driving around on smaller, quieter roads, then, the Luthor finally found her destination.

"Quaint," she remarked with a small smile as she pulled her car up a dusty driveway. Although Kara had sent her pictures of the house before, to see it in person still made Lena laugh a little just because it was so very stereotypical of that sort of place.

As she pulled up, Lena's first sight was of, of course, the dusty driveway. Beside it was an old mailbox, slightly crooked, its red flag faded pink with time. Past the mailbox and driveway was the house itself. It was a small, old, wooden building, some of the white paint chipping off of it. Its shutters and door, like the rest of the house, were old and wooden and they, too, were starting to lose their paint. All around, there was nothing but grass in all directions, a few trees spotting the landscape here and there. There was one right beside the house, an old tire swing hanging from it.

Once Lena stepped out of her car, she walked up the creaky old wooden steps onto the porch of the house. At her feet was a dirty old doormat that used to read "welcome", but now half of the letters had since faded off. To her left and right both were rocking chairs, four in total. Just like the rest of the house, they were covered with bits of dust and peeling paint. After taking a few more seconds to smirk in amusement at how stereotypical the house looked, Lena knocked on the door. A second later, it was answered, but not by Kara. Instead, Lena was met with another woman who looked only slightly older than Kara. She had short brown hair and intelligent eyes, but it was her outfit that really caught Lena's. The woman wore worn denim overalls with a plaid shirt underneath. She had a piece of straw in her mouth and she held a ten-gallon hat in her hand.

"Y'all lookin' for someone?" she asked when Lena could only stare at her with wide eyes. Her southern drawl was thicker than molasses and Lena was torn between laughter and nervousness. For a moment more, she could only continue to stare at this other woman as she tried to think of a way to make a request for Kara without sounding rude or insensitive. She also began to worry, then, that maybe this wasn't even Kara's house at all! What if her GPS had led her astray? Service out in these kinds of places wasn't always the best. Was she at least in Midvale?! The thought that she might be in the wrong place mortified and terrified Lena beyond words, but she did her best to remain calm.

"Yes, I am here to see Ms. Kara Danvers?" she asked politely.

"Ah, Kara Danvers," the other woman grinned, eyes lighting up with recognition as she bit down on the piece of straw.

"You know her?" Lena asked, a small rush of relief washing over her. At least now she knew she was at the right house!

"'Course!" came the amused reply. "She's my little sister."

"Oh!" Lena's eyes brightened with interest. Kara hadn't mentioned a sister! "Is she available?"

"Well, she may be out back workin' in the fields. You know, tendin' to the farm and whatnot," Kara's sister continued to stare languidly at Lena and Lena gave her an uncomfortable smile back.

"Could you tell her that I'm here, please?" she asked, twiddling her thumbs.

"'suppose I could. Y'all wait right here now," Kara's sister instructed, but she had only just turned around when Kara herself appeared.

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