Venom/Antidote Part1

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Dende saw them "What happened ?" he ran as they landed on th ground Gohan said " Long  story Jemisha has poisoned him ..." he told them " Bring him inside and lay him there?" they laid him on  bed and Gohan asked" how much time he has? " Dende closed his eyes for  moment when he opened them he said " I dont know he is in critical condition I saw the book and I have all the ingrendients but I need one more   a flower that blossoms in the  forest and please hurry"  Goku told Chi-Chi " please honey take care of him he is our only chance" she nodded Gohan said " we will be back." -"Dende what kind of poison is it ?" asked Tien " It's acid poisoning please hurry.. I will start making the  antidote " they went to the forest dende saw the on the map and started searching...

Back to Piccolo

His body color was different .Dende healed his battle wounds and he did what he could Chi-Chi put cold water on his face because he was burning up. At some point he was chocking on his blood they turned him on his side Bulma and ChiChi tried to hold him because he had convulsions... Dende injected something on his neck and he relaxed he thanked them and said "It's too hot" Chi-Chi removed the blankets so he will feel coo she also opened the window .. he asked them if they could helpe him go t the bathroom bulma lifted him and lead him he closed the door and he vomited and coughed blood chichi was waiting outside and Bulma was with Dende making the poison it was almost ready ... Piccolo came out and his nose bleed " GOSH Piccolo your nose is bleeding" he cleared it with his hand and laid again he tried to hide his pain all his body was aching the pain was excruciating .. He started sweating Dende though" Quick! Guys we dont have much time." 

Back to Goku 

They tried to find the antidote .. Just then Jemisha appeared and said " well well well what we have here? Tien was shocked " what are you doing here ?" she replied with an evil expression and smile " Are you looking for this  flower ? she removes her hand from behind her and shows them the flower?You wanna save your namekian friend piccolo huh?!" Goku said " Yes Now please give it to us in the good way." he said sternly she said " NO so fast Sayajin Piccolo will perish.. You have no time left every minute is important..ahahahaha Victory is mine!!"Gohan yelled angrily "Give it Jemisha Now!!" Jemisha said " NO without a fight!" Gohan said "allright then YOU WANT A FIGHT I'LL GIVE YOU A FIGHT" they fought  

back to piccolo 

Dende and Bulma almost finished it they  put the last two ingredients in the cup and waited for the final ingredient the seeds fom that blue/green flower ... Dende asked " ChiChi how is he?  ChiChi replied with a sad look " weak his pulse is vey weak Dende" he yelled " Hang in there piccolo"

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