Love or freedomchapt 13

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Haileys pov.

After sitting there in shock for five minutes I watched jakes mouth moving it looked like he was yelling something but it was in slow motion, he grabbed his brown hair that shot up to his left side of his brown hair , in frustration ... a habit he caught on to I couldn't hear anything , jake screamed at me until his face was red his veins stuck out of his neck it looked like he was running at me then I realized the last part of what David told us " the hunger games" my heart dropped im gonna die this is it he wants his freedom he was promised then I felt a nudge straight in my heart telling me to run straight to him to punch him kick him until I won my freedom , I did my first instinct I shifted my body to run but my feet were glued stuck to the floor I tried to yell for him to stop but at the same time I wanted him to kill me and et freedom , I tried screaming but my voice was closed in I couldn't move I couldn't yell just watch my life fade away as a dream.

Jakes pov

I stared at hailey for awhile I was nervous .... Really nervous .... Freedom or the love of my life , I kept planing our way out , but always came to the same problem , hailey , what if my mistake kills her i couldn't live with tha- " a thud of footsteps snapped me out of thinking " I want you to pick somebody to get injured now " he snapped " you" i scoffed ! why cant he stop ! " Ok bad choice ! I'm choosing one that might damage you the most , since you can't pick the right one! ". I looked over at the knife he held tightly in his cold blooded hand , I took a look at him his hands were stained from blood from Carly's blood , her blood vessels were splattered on his dark black sweater his brown eyes looked straight through you're soul ! His tall figure stood above me ! he went running and I realized who he was going to find and injure , hailey. I grabbed him from behind and I shoved him on to the dry hallways wall making him gasp for air but still catching up behind me quick his fist threw into my jaw and I Fell backwords onTo my stomach upon the cold hard brown wood floor I'm not going to let him hurt her without a fight I grabbed the heel of his brown boots causing him to fall "BAM" he fell on his ugly face I would have laughed if he wasent going to hurt hailey she was finally I view I started screaming at her " hailey run !" I screamed " hailey I can take him get you're freedom". no respond " HAILEY LISTEN TO ME I LOVE YOU , LEAVE NOW" she stood up , why isent she running !!! god hailey please just listen!! i started to run after her her mouth was moving uncontrollably she fell with an yell and I turned around to realize David's knife was missing from his bloody hands I looked over and it was in her thigh muscle he might of killed hailey !

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