Chapter 1

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Chapter One


No more.

That's it.

Trying to make everything right, looks like bullshit through his dead eyes. Maybe I should complain from now on, before it's too late.

It's late anyways. Its 12:34 am.

I need to speak my mind, or else he'll just have the main control over my emotions, my life.

Or. . .I'll have to scurry off to a corner and weep like a . . .

I'll just have to go with the first option.

This girl right here, Dean, doesn't take one shit from a man. Don't get me wrong. I just need time. . .

Well I don't give a hell, for wasting it. I'll just keep on running off to this dark unused room that smells like dry balls and butthole, stare through the large window and watch the whole city of Seattle, thinking about my life and the jerk who's continuously pounding the door and cursing like a fucking granny.

Not thinking about my life really, but thinking of how freaking great my life will be when I'm done strangling him.

I grin. That's a good start of a motivation. Maybe it's a good idea after all, it's a nice sight and sound you know, of the busy streets and fist pounding against the door. After all, I'm going to be so dead when that door is unlocked or tear down by a husband of mine who's a psycho.

“I swear Dean, you better open this door! Or I'll just burst it down myself!” A shiver run down my spine, swiftly I covered both my ears with my hands and grit my teeth.

Pound Pound Pound

No. I will not open that fucking door, I'm too young to die.


No. I'm not, I'm just defending my self from that fucking maniac, I'm sure if I open that door you won't be getting to call me a pussy again or even be in my head anymore to call me that.

Pound Pound Pound

No. No. No




Tired, out of all the days in this week, this day have to be the most exhausting day. All I just need is sleep. Sleep is all I need. Need sleep. I need sleep. See? Four sentences I made with the word need and sleep. So I'm suppose to be getting four fucking hours to sleep for a God damn reward.

Maybe I should just open the door. . .


His eyes are bloodshot red. Dang, for a drunk man he isn't tired for knocking down this door for full two hours.

For a tired woman, I'm sure as hell didn't fell asleep through his whining and knocking for full two hours.

And for being the worst so-called married couples on earth, isn't tired of going through a messed up cycle every night. Every week. Every month.


More like three fucking years. Can someone give me a pat on the shoulders for surviving such a stress and this asshole?

“Never. Do that a again, you hear me?” The liquor is strong in his breath from where I am, I cringe instantly. I don't drink, that's not good for my health.

Especially, what it can do to you if you don't know your limits. 

I quickly nod my head, acting like a mute, it's always my middle name when it comes to speaking to a drunk man.

He's not a person to mess with when he's drunk. And there it goes, I pushed his button.

He send a death glare towards me, I gasp quietly. My hands are trembling like hell, In three long strides, his chest is the only thing that's in my sight. I ain't gonna look up, those sinful gray eyes isn't my target now- I'll just stare at his hard chest, that's been begging to get ripped out from that neat tux.

“Look at me” He breaths- more like demand.


I obey though, my breath caught up in my throat

Those eyes. Their so beautiful. . .–

That's it, no more swooning over this motherfucker's eyes.

Yea, right.

Quickly I shift my sight somewhere else. His chest. Again

That was a big mistake, his tight grip met my arms in a second. Shit.

Dragging me downstairs I yelp, I began to fight against his grip. Not again, I just want some fucking sleep, I don't want to be forced in his bed again. . . With that fucking slut.

I'm not in the mood for a threesome tonight. I'm sober for fuck sakes.

“Dante please. . . Not now, it's almost one, it's bed time honey. Please” I plead. I want back my loving Dante, always playful and he'll respect my wishes. No scratch that, I need him.

Before he could say a word, that Blondie girl began to strut towards us. That bitch, it's her fault again for drugging my fucking husband, is it?

It's her fucking fault. And also this asshole's fault too. He shouldn't trust her, she'll just use the same old sentence; “hey we should hang out at the bar, it's our ‘besties anniversary’ let's leave your wife here, best friends only”.  The cheap sassy voice will always play in my fucking head.

That's why he shouldn't trust no one like I do. People aren't the person who you think they are, they'll always have something about them.

But this girl will use my husband's kindness for the fucking target.

“Get out of my house you slut” Red is all I can see, she needs to get out. Her expression change from smug to angry. I don't give a fuck. I'm angry too bitch.

“Keep your mouth fucking shut Dean ” he scold. Ass.

“I don't care, she's in our house! Again! Every night both of you are always fucking. If you both are fucking, do it somewhere else not in my house!” They both glare now. But I don't care. My life will always be the fucking same.

I'm tired of the cycle we're having, he can't just throw me out of my house every night then go fucking that slut in my fucking bed.

“Out” he point towards the door. See? That's why I shouldn't have open the door, I'll just get fucking kicked out.

“What! No, I ain't getting out again mister! This is my fucking house. So I'll just turn it around and kick you both out. Now, you both. Out” Now its my fucking time to point towards the door fucker.

Her drag me towards the door. That didn't work.

“Let me go you asshole!” I wince, his grip is so freaking tight.


I huff. Here we go again. One more night walking around the not-so-safe city.

They both should just go fuck off. Although their fucking afterall . . .

I search my jeans pocket. Shit. I don't have my phone. No money, it's in the freaking house.

Looking towards the door I gave a sad smile. I'll survive, it's just six hours I have to walk around.


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Hades Writes ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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