As Incredible As Him

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     The two young explorers (dungeon master accompanying) set out again on the seemingly never-ending path. After hours of trekking, Izuku asked Eraserhead with lethargy in his voice, "Um, Eraserhead? When will we get to the next village? It seems like we've been walking for way too long."
     "Roll for perspective."
     "I've found to just ignore that at this point," Izuku mumbled to Ochaco.
     Ochaco timidly raised her hand. "Um, I can roll for perspec-"
     "Fantastic!" Eraserhead exclaimed. "At least someone has a handle on this game," he grumbled with a glare at Izuku.
     Confused, Ochaco asked, "So, how do I exactly-"
     "You got a two." Eraserhead shook his head, disappointed.
     "What? But I didn't even-"
     "You look at the path and are so bad at deducing how much longer it goes on that you almost wander into the woods, thinking the grass is the path."
     "He's good," Ochaco mumbled. "Are you like, God or something?" she asked Eraserhead.
"No!" He threw up his hands, exasperated. "I'm just your D.M.!"
"But," she turned her question toward Eraserhead, "why did you voice my thoughts, if that's what I was thinking already? And the rolling thing?"
     "Brings the campaign to life. I don't have to do it all the time." Eraserhead shrugged. "Also, your stupidity was just so unfathomable, I had to voice it just to make sure I wasn't being deceived."
     "I'm not sure if I should be offended or not," Ochaco wondered aloud. "Oh well. I've been working on my encouragement spells anyway. Do you want a dose too, Izuku? Maybe a little pick me up will give us the strength go on and find the next town!"
"Ooh, yeah! That sounds fun!" Izuku exclaimed with a grin.
     With a new splash of energy, the two continued along with a bounce in their step.
     "WATCH OUT!" The frantic shout sounded from behind them. Ochaco started, but reacted quickly. Hardly looking behind them, her staff sparked, and she grabbed Izuku's hand so that they flew up into the air together.
     Watching below them, they saw a knight on horseback gallop at full speed underneath them. The horse and his rider seemed out of control. They zoomed right through the practically nonexistent form of Eraserhead.
     His form dissipated, then formed back together. He didn't move an inch. He snarled distastefully. "I hate this guy already."
     "WOAH, WOAH, WOAH!" the young knight screamed at his horse. "STOP, STOP!"
     Eventually, the duo skittered to a less than gradual stop. Izuku and Ochaco dropped to the forest floor. Literally.
     "Sorry," Ochaco moaned, straightening her hat. "I'm still working on how to land."
     Izuku was already up and running toward the new person and his horse. "A-Are you okay?" he asked with a shout.
    The other young man was shakily dismounting. "Yes. I fare well. Though I appreciate your concern."
    "Your horse is fast," Izuku stated, looking at the animal in awe. "Who are you?"
     The newcomer stood up straighter, perhaps trying to brush off the embarrassment of his earlier situation. "I am Sir Tenya Iida. Though you'll probably recognize my brother's na-"
"Sir Tensei Iida?!" Izuku exclaimed, beating Tenya to the catch. "Are you serious?! He's your brother? That's quite grand!"
Tenya laughed, pushing up his spectacles. "Isn't it? He's certainly my hero. I want to be just as incredible as him. So I've sought after knighthood as well!" Then his smile shifted into a frown. "However, my horse is a little too fast, and I don't have much control over him. But I'm working on it! Have you seen those dragons recently? Think of how proud I could make Tensei by taking one of those down! I'm on my way over to Tripsu Village right now-"
"Wait!" Izuku stopped him. "You say your on a way to a village? There's one nearby?"
"Certainly. Just down the road," Tenya said with a point down the path.
"Say, we're on a campaign to find the source of the dragons and stop them too!" Ochaco exclaimed with a grin.
"Yes!" Izuku continued. "We'd love to have you join us. The more the merrier!"
"Hmm," Tenya considered, his finger to his chin. "Yes, That sounds very pleasurable! I would be honored to join such eager adventurers!"
"Wonderful!" Izuku and Ochaco exclaimed in unison.
"Welcome to the team," Eraserhead grumbled, sauntering up to them.
"Ooh, a Dungeon Master," Tenya observed with interest. "I've never seen one in real life. You know, I always did wonder if they were a myth or not. But you're certainly not a myth, are you?"
"Really feeling the love." Eraserhead kept his arms crossed and flicked his fingers.
"Let's get going!" Izuku said excitedly. "We can rest and eat up at the village. I'm starving!"
"Yes, famished," Eraserhead said sarcastically. "I could really go for some less dimwitted adventurers right about now."
"Oh, Sir Tenya?" Izuku asked.
Tenya waved his hand. "Just Tenya is fine." But he was clearly enjoying the attention.
"Okay. Tenya? Are we all going to ride your horse?"
"Oh, boy," Eraserhead said, waving his hands. "Why don't we roll for stupidity while we're at it?"
"I'm sure this guy could take it," Tenya said, rubbing his beast's coat, "but we would have to dismantle the saddle and everything probably. It may be best to just walk to the village. I've been before. It's not far. Only another mile or so." The horse whinnied, as if she was in agreement too.
"Great!" Izuku said. "Is everybody else ready?"
"Ready to work myself to death making sure you airheads don't get yourselves killed by your own negligence." Eraserhead grumped. "'Be a Dungeon Master, Mr. Aizawa,' they said. 'It'll be fun!' they said."
     "I'm ready!" Ochaco smiled, holding up her wand. "I think I know a spell that can make us get there faster."
     "Please, no," Tenya shook his head. "My trip has been fast enough already- I could go for something a bit slower paced for now." He took his horse's reigns in his hand and began to lead. "This way, everyone!"
     And off they went.

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