Big Adventure Ahead

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"Welcome to Tripsu Village, adventurers," Eraserhead announced.
"Look, a tavern!" Izuku pointed out. "Surely we can get some food there and stay for the night!"
The campaigning trio waltzed through the doors of the tavern after resting Tanya's horse in the outside stable. The place smelled homey. Smells of foods and drinks wafted through the air, and gentle banter played throughout the atmosphere of the tavern. The three (their Dungeon Master nearby) took their places at the bar.
"Give us your heartiest, home-cooked meal, please!" Tenya requested, pounding his fist on the elongated table for emphasis.
"Oh, my!" A girl with a frog-like appearance greeted them, and brought her hands to her cheeks in delight. "We don't usually get knights and witches and adventurers around these parts!"
     "Oh, come on, Tsuyu, you say that to everyone!" exclaimed a blond waiter next to her as he rested his elbows on the bar. "You just want a good story."
     "Wait," Izuku looked between the two of them. "Did you say a lot of people pass through here? I'm sure you do hear a lot. Would you have happened to hear anything about the dragon attacks? Do you know where they're coming from?" he asked hopefully, crossing his legs from his seat on the stool.
     A light sparked in the blond boy's eyes. "I actually do! Not from stories though. Personal experience. You wouldn't happen to know a youth by the name of Katsuki Bakugou, would you?"
     Izuku nearly fell off his stool. He almost spit out the drink he had been given. "Katsuki? I know him! We were best friends as children! He left my hometown maybe about a year or two ago. I haven't seen him since. Do you know him? Is he doing alright?"
"Yeah I know him!" the boy shouted. Izuku thought he imagined the boy started sparking for a moment. "The name's Denki! I'm training to be a musketeer! This-" he gestures to his outfit, "is just a side job as I'm visiting my village for a little bit. And..." He held up his hand, and Izuku could see that he actually did have lightning bolts passing between his fingertips. "I'm a lightning bender! Born with the power, actually. Pretty cool, right?"
The three before him muttered impressed comments.
"Anywho, yeah, I know Bakugou. I met him a little while back. We were on a campaign together. Five of us! Me, him, some fellows named Eijiro and Hanta, and a lass by the name of Mina. We were tight, we were." His words were cheerful, but his expression was forlorn.
"What happened?" Ochaco pressed.
"Katsuki was a little... eager, I guess one might say," Denki tried to explain. "He really looked up to people like All Knight. We adventured and sensed a really dark power up in the volcanic mountains. Katsuki advanced the problem head on. I think... I think he made it worse. He was able to tame these dragons, you see. He liked it a lot. But we had a feeling there was something darker behind just the dragons. He wouldn't listen. He liked the power he had. I fear that he's the cause of the more frequent dragon attacks, and he probably doesn't even know it. Our friend Eijiro wouldn't leave him. They stayed, and the three of us had to leave. It was just getting too dangerous. For us, and everyone else. Our campaign totally fell apart."
"Oh my," Izuku breathed out, stunned by the story. "Well, that decides it! We have to get up there." He thought for a moment. "Denki, you said you're a training musketeer, right? Would you happen to know about... One for All?"
Denki's eyes widened. "The legendary sword used by All Knight. Well, I know he hid it somewhere for the one who would success him to find, but I have no clue where that would be. You're certainly on the right track of you're looking for a weapon as powerful as that, though. If you want to know more, Prince Shoto himself probably knows more than I do. I train for his protection, you know."
"Prince Shoto?" Tenya questioned, sitting forward with interest. "Of the Todoroki royal family?"
"The one and only!" Denki beamed. "If he hears about your campaign, I think he'll be eager to have an audience with you. He's passionate about stopping these dragons as well. It's their kingdom in danger, after all."
"An audience? With the prince?" Ochaco nearly swooned. "But we're so dreary in comparison! Would he really want to join us, do you think? How do we meet him?"
"No need to get your knickerbockers in a twist!" Denki exclaimed, shaking his hands. "It's not that hard. I've met him myself once. I think it was because he was interested in the power I was born with. Probably because he was born with a similar kind of power. I think I can get you to him within the week. Milrun City isn't far from here. That's where I work and where the royal family lives. I'm leaving for there tomorrow, and it's about a day's journey. It would be a pleasure of mine to escort you three there."
Izuku gripped the edge of the bar, barely able to contain his excitement. "Could you really? That would be amazing! Though, I don't suppose you would join our campaign too? We sure could use your help, and you seem to have a better idea as to what's going on right now."
Denki shook his head. "Sorry. My loyalty is to the prince now. Also, I don't think Katsuki would be too thrilled to see me after I just abandoned him like that," he said with a frown. "Even if it was for a good reason."
The waitress, Tsuyu, came back with the trio's dinners and put a hand on Denki's shoulder. "You've nothing to be sorry for, Denki. Take pride in escorting these three. It was good for you to take an escape here for a little while, but it'll be good for you to get back to work at the castle, don't you think?"
He sighed, complying. "I suppose your right." He diverted his gaze to the campaigners. "Okay, you three, eat up! And get a good night's rest up in the rooms tonight. We have a big adventure ahead of us tomorrow!"

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