5:Shayne and Courtney POV

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Shayne POV:

I woke up the next morning realizing I was still in Courtney's apartment. I tried to move but remembered Courtney was next to me so I debated waking her up.

A couple minutes of me sitting watching Courtney- that sounded weird I just meant watching to see if she was gonna wake up soon. She finally shifted. I heard her whimper and dig her head into my chest more. I laughed softly at her and spoke softly.

"Morning Court. Did you sleep well?" I asked as she looked up at me her head still on my chest. "Wha- Shayne?! I'm so sorry I must've fallen asleep last night" she ranged moving off of me and scooting back a little.

"It's fine, I know you haven't been sleeping well lately so I'm glad you finally got a whole night of sleep. I fell asleep not that long after you too so don't worry about it" I said laughing.

"What time is it?" She said grabbing her phone to check. I saw her eyes go wide. "Shit!" She blurted out. "What? Is everything okay?!" I asked worried seeing her expression change that quickly.

"Um, I don't exactly know. I missed a call from the hospital last night." She said sighing and putting her head in her hands. "God why did I have to fall asleep the night something happens" she scolded herself.

"Court I'm sure everything's fine-" I said moving closer to her and putting my arm around her softly trying to comfort her. "How do you know that?" She mumbled into her hands. "I-I guess I don't know for sure but it can't hurt to be positive." I said hopefully.

She sighed again and smiled at me barely. "Thanks Shayne. You know for everything. I think I should go over there though in case something is really wrong. And you should go too you're gonna be late for work and you still need to go change" she said giggling a little. Before grabbing her purse and walking out with me following.

"Hey call me if you need anything okay?" I said before we part ways into our cars. "I know. Thanks again Shayne" she said leaving.

I got in my car and checked the time. "I'm already late. Great, I don't even have time to go change before they start filming" I said sighing in frustration. I drove to the office hoping no one would say anything but I knew they would.

I went up to our floor and walked into the squad room to be met by them giving me strange looks. "Oh did someone sleep over somewhere and didn't have time to change?" Noah laughed. "It's like the double walk of shame" Keith laughed too. Olivia giggled before making a comment too. "At least he's getting some Keith" I saw Keith make a dramatic frown before laughing again. I rolled my eyes and laughed a bit too.

"I was only at Courtney's-" I said trying to explain before I heard Noah and Keith gasp and Olivia squeal. "I knew it! You two are so cute together I knew this day would come! I'm so happy for you guys!" She exclaimed clapping.

"N-no! Not like that! We were just hanging out last night and we fell asleep on the couch watching a movie and I didn't have time to change before I got here. That's it" I said sternly giving Olivia a look of disapproval.

She rolled her eyes "uh huh sure" Noah and Keith laughed at her antics and I laughed too. "If what you thought happened happens you'd know, Shayne can't keep a secret for the life of him" Keith said dying of laughter.

"Okay okay enough attacking me" I said settling in.

Courtney POV:

I walked into the hospital in a positive mindset because of what Shayne said this morning. He always knows how to make me feel better. And I'm sure he's right. Nothings wrong I'm sure of it.

"Hi can I help you?" The nurse at the reception desk asked kindly. "Yeah I'm here to see my mom." I said smiling back at her. "Of course can I have your name please?" She asked typing something into a computer. "My names Courtney Miller, my moms name is-"

She cut me off "Corey Miller?" She said typing on the computer again. "Um, yeah..." I said being out off at how she was acting. This never happened before but maybe I'm just over thinking.

"I'm so sorry. She passed away last night, we tried to contact you but we couldn't get through to you. We can take you to go see her if you'd like. Your father is here too." She said softly leading me to her room.

I didn't know what to do. I was in shock to say the least. I felt almost robotic as I entered her room. I saw my dad holding her hand tears streaming down his face. The nurse said she was sorry again and left us alone.

"Hey baby are you okay? I couldn't get through to you last night." He said coming to hug me. "I-I fell asleep when I was watching a movie with a friend. Why did I have to fall asleep?! I-I didn't even know they called until this morning. I came here to see her and I thought everything would be okay. I wasn't here for her when she needed me! What kind of daughter am I?!" I broke down sobbing into his chest.

"Sweetie it's not your fault. It was just her time to go. She didn't die alone, I was here. And she didn't feel any pain. She's in a better place now." He said trying to calm me down.

The next few hours I stayed and talked to my mom and dad. I still can't believe she's really gone. Shes going to miss so many big moments in the future. She's not going to be there when I tell the family I'm engaged or my wedding or see her grandkids.

The nurse said it was time to move her and while dad did all the paperwork and things I went home.

I just wanted to sleep but I couldn't calm down enough to do that. I was barley able to drive, I'm lucky I didn't kill someone.

I went to my bed and just sobbed.

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