Part 3

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"Alright twerps, time to pay the piper!" Like she does every Halloween, Vicky wasted no time extorting candy from the children she was paid to watch. A sinister smirk crossed her face as more and more handfuls of candy fell into her basket.

"Excuse me," the evil babysitter curiously turned around and met eyes with a pale young man with horns. Despite his respectful and gentlemanly tone, the teen with a black hole for a heart was still annoyed by the interruption.

"What do you want?" she snapped. "Wait... do you have any kids?"

Nomed crossed his arms as he pondered her question. His eyes curiously analyzed every facet of her expression before answering, "No."

"Then what do you want?" Vicky questioned.

"Do you happen to know if there are any Fairies in the neighborhood?" he asked.

"Fairies? Look around; there's a bunch of twerps dressed up as fairies."

Nomed glanced around his surroundings and confirmed Vicky's observation. But he didn't just see fairies, he also noticed children pretending to be werewolves, dragons and many more mythical creatures.

"For what purpose do the children dress up as legendary creatures and many other figures?" the demon asked.

"It's Halloween, duh," the teenager replied as she went back to her candy extorting scheme.

"Halloween...? A celebration of known creatures?" Nomed concluded.

He once again examined his surroundings before his eyes landed squarely on Vicky. The demon then tapped the back of babysitter's head, leaving behind a tiny purple blob. The blob quickly expanded in size, consuming Vicky in the process.

Not too far away, AJ and Chester were in the middle of walking to Timmy's house.

"...turns out that someone forgot to have the letter to say 'opening before Halloween night.' Even the curators were angry," AJ explained.

"Heh, nerd fight," Chester eagerly reached into his pocket and proudly pulled out a possum attached to a stick. "Anyway, guess who caught the possum? I can't wait to show Timmy!"

As they turned the corner, they soon caught a glimpse of Nomed and the blob that ensnared Vicky.

"Whoa! What's that?" AJ marveled.

"A special something to hold a young girl whose heart seems to be similar to a black hole," the demon answered.

"You trapped Vicky in that thing? You are officially my hero," Chester congratulated, raising his hand towards the horned individual for a high five.

Nomed silently stared at Chester's outstretched hand, the act itself filling him with confusion and familiarity. Moments later, the blob sunk into Vicky's skin then reformatted her body into the form of a dragon.

Now a member of the dragon race, the evil babysitter turned her attention to the watching children and let out a roar so massive that clinging on to Nomed was the only reason Chester and AJ weren't flung out of town.

Before they could process what was happening, the demon tapped the top of their heads, leaving behind similar transformative blobs. They quickly consumed their targets, transforming AJ into a deranged scientist and Chester into a moleman.

"Hm. There's a disturbance..." Nomed raised his hands, purple lightning flowing through them until shooting out at every child in the vicinity. As the children were forcibly transformed into monstrous versions of their costumes, the demon examined his surroundings once again. He then clapped his hands together and then separated them, a sphere of purple energy forming between them. "Everywhere but there."

Meanwhile, in the Turner Household, Mrs. Turner called for her husband, "Hurry up, dear! The costume party is going to start soon!"

"On my way down!" After those words were said, Mrs. Turner heard a high-pitch feminine scream. The scream grew in volume until her husband crashed down a few feet away from her. Mr. Turner then jumped onto his feet, allowing his wife to see his brand new tuxedo. "All secret agents must make grand entrances."

"Don't you think that you should wear something a little more specific just in case someone else wears a secret agent tux to?" she sheepishly asked.

"Honey, who else would go out on Halloween as a secret agent?" Mr. Turner laughed.

As if on cue, their neighbor, Dinkleberg, walked by their window. Despite wearing the exact same costume as Mr. Turner, he happily waved and said, "Hey, Turner! Looks like great minds think alike."

"Dinkleberg..." the patriarch of the house fumed as he watched his neighbor leave.

Moments later, the door was blown open. As Mrs. Turner was blown into her husband's arms, Nomed walked into their house and immediately turned his attention to them.

"Pardon me, is there anything magical here?" he asked.

"Magical?" Mrs. Turner repeated confused.

"Egad! You're not talking about my warlock costume aren't you?!" Mr. Turner gasped.

"Warlock? That's quite a respectable being to imitate tonight," Nomed replied.

"Well, I would be wearing that if someone..." Mr. Turner glanced at his wife. "...told me Dinkleberg stole my idea."

All Mrs. Turner could do was nervously smile at her annoyed husband.

"Hm." Nomed raised his hand and shot two blobs at the two before walking up the steps to the 2nd floor. He then proceeded to enter Timmy's room and looked around. "Something happened in here."

His eyes were then drawn to a nearby fishbowl. Analyzing the small purple castle inside, Nomed ripped open a hole in space and stepped through into its interior.

"This place was definitely made with magic. It actually feels familiar," his eyes were then drawn to a nearby photograph depicting Cosmo and Wanda's first meeting with Timmy. "These two..."

A sinister smile crossed the demon's face as he shifted his attention to the hole in space he created. "I think I know what's going on now. It looks like this night will be more interesting than I thought."

The Fairly Loud Halloween (The Fairly OddParents/Loud House)Where stories live. Discover now