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Requested?: nada

⚠️⚠️⚠️Warning ⚠️ ?: bullying and r*pe⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

"I just don't understand! Why couldn't Mr. Williams 'handle the situation'? It was literally two students making out in the middle of HIS class!" Flash ranted to his friend as he walked with him to his next class.

"Idk man but I'm kinda glad he didn't, I was enjoying the show." Travis replied with a smirk. "Hey look there's that Parker boy you're so obsessed with."

"Imma go talk to him. I'll see you in class." Flash waved to his friend as he walked away, approaching the teen hero quietly.

"Hey penis! Whatcha doin'!"  The spiderling flinched and turned around so fast you'd think he got whiplash.

"What do you want flash?" Peter rolled his eyes and looked up at the older boy.

"I just wanna talk! It won't take more then a few seconds!" Flash spoke softly, confusing Peter, why wasn't he screaming about how worthless he was and photography would get him nowhere in life.

"You get one minute. Make it quick."
Was the reply the boy got before Peter was closing his locker and turning back to him.

Flash started to ramble, Peter could only make out a few words such as: 'please' 'me' 'like' 'understand' 'don't' and once again he mumbled a 'please'.

"Flash, w-what are you saying?" Peter had an idea though he hoped he was wrong.

"I-I like you." Everything seemed to slow, and Peter coughed awkwardly.

"Flash I'm flattered but I have a girlfriend," Peter motioned to MJ who was speaking quietly with Ned a few lockers down.

"I know.. I just thought that maybe there was a chance that- never mind," True to his nickname, the teen was gone in a flash.


"That was so weird.." Peters backpack felt heavier then normal, like its weight would pull him down and not let up.

The teens continued their way up to peters room having arrived at the compound minutes earlier.

"I know! Like I understand that's the stereotype for if a boy like you, ya know act like a jerk so they don't know, but I didn't think people actually did it!" MJ ranted. Ned had been dropped of at his house before the couple made their way to the Avengers Compound.

"Yeah well at least he'll maybe chill out a bit... or maybe he'll just be even more of a prick."

"C'mon Pete, maybe this'll make him leave you alone?"

"Yeah. Maybe."


As it turns out peters fears would become reality come the next day. Flash had become almost unbearable, calling peter the names he always had more than normal and roughing him up almost every period.

By the end of the day peter was covered in bruises, his right wrist was swollen to the size of a softball, and his left shoulder felt like it had been dislocated. All In all, Peter felt like he was going to collapse at any second. But he still painfully made his way into the bathroom by the entrance of the school.

Unfortunately for him, Flash was waiting for him.

As he walked in, Flash grabbed him by the shoulders and forced his stomach against the wall.

"I'm gonna make you wish you'd said yes to me baby." Peter could feel the other boys hot breath in the back of his neck as he tried to free himself. But, the more he struggled, the harder Flash held him there. Peter sobbed loudly as he felt the zipper on the front of pants being pulled down, the button being undone, and his pants being pulled down harshly along with his boxers.

What happened next, Peter would never fully recover from as it woke him up night after night for years to come.

Flash said nothing as he dressed himself, then left the room, leaving a naked, battered and broken Peter laying on the filthy floor crying his poor heart out.

Slowly and painfully, Peters hand made its way to the small bracelet on his wrist tapping it 3 times. Not even a minute later the bracelet buzzed 5 times.

5 times means 5 minutes. 5 minutes until his dad got there, then everything would be ok.

Part two?

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