Rejection 2

637 19 3

Same warnings as the last one!!! Please be safe loves!

The moment Tony felt the small bracelet in his wrist buzz 3 times, is the moment he felt his heart drop.

3 buzzes mean help. 3 buzzes means peter is hurt. He needed to get him. Now. He tapped his bracelet 5 times as he called his suit to him.

"FRIDAY tell the others I went to get Peter please."

"Of course boss."

Tony flew through the air at break-neck speeds toward his sons school, hoping that his son was ok.

When we arrived, he had FRIDAY search the building for his boy. When she'd located him, tony rushed to the bathroom, bursting through the door only to find Peter.

His son lay there, only half conscious, naked and crying. His clothes were torn and thrown haphazardly across the room.

His eyes widened when he heard the door open, and he tried to move away only to wince in pain and stop.

"Peter, buddy, it's just me. It's just dad Pete. I'm here." I pulled him to my chest as he cried. Also taking off my jacket and laying it over him like a blanket, and asking FRIDAY to send a suit with some pajamas for him.
His arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly while he cried into my chest.

When the suit arrived, I helped my boy into them before setting him down gently. I went over to my suit and got in. I then picked up the shaking teen and fly home.


"Bruce! I need your help! Like now!" I run down the stairs as quickly as a can without waking my,thankfully, sleeping son.

Bruce got up, looking confused, and followed me down to the lab. When I laid Peter on the chair/bed/table thing, Bruce's eyes widened.

"What-what happened? Why is he- what?" The scientist stumbled over his words.

"I don't know yet. All I know is that he called for help, and when I got there he was naked and half conscious on the floor!" I slumped down into a chair, feeling defeated at the sight of my son on the table.

Bruce sighed heavily as he got to work, mumbling under his breath every now and then.


Peter opened his eyes before quickly closing them against the harsh white light of the room. He could remember every thing. Every. Last. Detail....he was going to be sick, he couldn't do this. The thought of going back to school tomorrow, of facing Flash, it was all to much. He vaguely questioned if it counted as cheating, what would MJ say? Oh shit. MJ was going to hate him. She'd never forgive him—

"Hey Pete, you're awake! You ok bud? Gave us all a scare there." Tony walked into the room, effectively cutting off peters dangerous train of thought.

"Yeah I'm, um, I'm fine dad I just—" Peter was cut off once again, but this time by his own choked sob that had made its way  out of his mouth.

Well there goes that illusion. Peter thought bitterly as he silently cursed himself for being so weak.

"Yeah ok. I'll believe that when Natashas not terrifying. What happened kiddo?" Tony laid his hand on Peters shoulder, and rubbed it soothingly. "We gotta know so we can help you bud."

Peter broke. He broke down into tears and told his father everything. Everything from the rejection, to the awful things that had been done to him not three hours earlier.

It was jumbled and hard to understand, but he told him. And Tony got what he needed out of that. He was going to have a chat with the rest of his family, and then he was going to take a trip to midtown high and raise hell.


When Tony walked into the living room, it was to see the rest of the avengers all piled on the couch watching mean girls. They were peaceful and didn't have a clue what had happened. That was about to change.

"Hey Tony—" Rhodey stopped himself once he saw the look on his friends face, a look he hasn't seen since Pepper was kidnapped. Shit. "What happened. Is the kid ok?"

"He's asleep. Not ok. Asleep. There's something you all need to know."


The next day Peter was nestled comfortably into his mothers side in the living room, the blondish haired woman having taken the day off to spend with her son. 

"We'll be back soon," Tony kissed his wife on the cheek and his son on the top of the head as he passed before heading to the elevator, where the rest of the team waited.

"Bye honey!" Pepper held her boy close as she turned on Lelo and Stitch and covered the both of them with a blanket.

Tony stood on the stage of the Midtown High auditorium his fellow avengers steely eyed behind him.

"You're all probably wondering why I've decided to grace you all with my presence," Tony began as he looked every student on the front row in the eye. "Today my colleagues and I are here to tell you all about sexual assault."

"Peter Parker is the single most sweetest boy I have ever met. I can't imagine anyone putting someone like him through something like that." Steve had stepped forward, coming to his nephews defense. "You know who you are son. We know too."

The students eyed each other cautiously before turning their attention back to the hero's in front of them.

"You listen and listen carefully to me Eugene Thomson. You even take one step near my nephew. I will rip out your throat and stuff it up your nose." Natasha stepped up to stand next to the two men.

Flashes buddies looked at him in horror , scooting away as far as possible other people moving to make room for him.

"Don't touch my son. Got that?" Tony walked out of the room his family following close behind.


Two days later, Peters still it at school. He and MJ are cuddling on the couch with ned in the chair.

It's not perfect and he's still healing. But it's better.

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