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We were done with school and I remember that we had to clean the classroom. I sigh. "Hey, come on!" Jisoo  said. "Sorry, we need to clean the classroom" Jinyoung said. "What did you guys do?" She asked. "It's Yugyeoms fault!" I said. "Fine. You guys go" She said.

Me and Jinyoung walked to the classroom. Okay. While we're walking. Let's chat in my mind. Do I think Jinyoung is cute? Uh... He's okay. Well, yes. He's kinda cute. We got to the classroom. "Where's Yugyeom?" Jinyoung asked. "Did he ditch us?" I asked. "I don't know" He said.

Then the principal came, holding Yugyeom by the hair. "Next time one of you try to skip this. You will be suspended" The principal said. "Yes, sir" I bow. Jinyoung also bow while Yugyeom had a pissed face. The principal left.

"Haha! Karma" I said. Me and Jinyoung laughed. "Yah! Shut up!" Yugyeom said. We stopped. "Here" I gave Jinyoung the broom. "Thanks" Jinyoung said. "Yah... Y/n, Where's my broom?" Yugyeom acted cute. 'acted'. "Get it yourself" I said. Yugyeom pouted.

I ignored him and started to sweep. I grab the duskpan. "I'll do this, Y/n. It's not even your fault" Jinyoung sweetly smiled at me. He's so sweet. "No, I can do this" I said. "No, You just sit down there" Jinyoung said. "Fine" I said. "Hi, baby" Yugyeom sat beside me. "Don't call me that" I said. He came closer to my face. Everytime he got closer, I move back. "Yah! Yugyeom, stop flirting. It's not allowed" Jinyoung said.

I got up from my seat and clean the board. "I can do this, Y/n" Yugyeom said. "No. I will do this" I said. "Y/n, I can do it for you" Jinyoung grab my hand which was holding the eraser. "Sure" I said. "Wha...." Yugyeom said. I went to the windows and started cleaning it. "You 2 must have something going on" Yugyeom said. "Us?!" Me and Jinyoung looked at Yugyeom with a shocked face. "What the heck!!! No!" I said.

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After 30 minutes, we we're done. "Wanna come over my house again?" I asked. "Yes!" Yugyeom said. "Not you... Jinyoung?" I asked. "What? Oh sure" He said. "Hey hey hey, no dating remember?" Yugyeom said.. "Were not dating" I said. I left Yugyeom in the room and hook my arm with Jinyoung. "Hey!! You 2 are definitely dating!!!" Yugyeom shouted. We ignored it.

"I'm just gonna call Jisoo if she wants to come with us" I said. "Okay" he did. I unhooked my arm from his and started dialing Jisoo's number

"Hey Y/n!"

"Hi Unnie! Wanna come with me and Jinyoung, to my house?"

"Aw... Sorry, Y/n. My mom doesn't let me go out of the house cause I need to study..."

"Aw.... Fine.... Bye"

"Bye Y/n"

She hung up. "She can't go" I said. "Okay, it's just the 2 of us then" He said. We walked to my house. I unlocked the door. "I'm home, Mom!!!" I shouted. "Wanna... Just... Wanna bake something?" I asked. "Oh sure" He said.

He got the ingredients and and I started the stove. "Uh.... Y/n..." He said. "Yeah?" I asked.
"Why are you turning on the stove?" He asked. "Oh yeah... Haha, my bad" I said. "What do you wanna bake?" He smiled. "Um... Cake!" I said. "Wait... Can we have a bake off?" I smirked. "Oh sure!" he said.

I got my sugar, flour, butter, baking power cream, eggs and all the other stuff. Time Skip. I was mixing the batter. "Wow! Jinyoung your batter looks yummy!!" I saw his batter. "Don't eat the batter, you might get tummy ache" He said. "Fine" I continued my mixing. We put our batters in the... Thingy... I forgot what it's called but it looks like a bowl. We put it in the oven. "I can't wait to eat it!" I said. "Haha, cute" Jinyoung said. "Hihi!" I said.

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