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(Jinyoung's and Yugyeom's story)
No ones POV

Yugyeom pulled Jinyoung to a corner. "H-hyung... Um, do you like Y/n?" Yugyeom asked, he was nervous of calling him 'Hyung' and him saying yes. "Maybe... I mean- yes. I like her. Why?" Jinyoung was getting suspicious of Yugyeom. "I... I like her too" Yugyeom said in a soft voice.

"Well, sorry. I'm going to get her" Jinyoung said with all of his confidence. "How are you sure your going to get her?" Yugyeom asked. "Y/n said she likes me" He wasn't thinking of what he was saying. "How did she tell you?" Yugyeom asked. "Um... She didn't tell me-" Yugyeom cut off Jinyoung, mid-sentence. "Are you trying to say your stalking her?" Yugyeom asked. "No! I just- Well, why are you so confident that I your going to get her?" Jinyoung asked.

"Cause after you dated Jennie. She probably lost her feelings for you. She was even deciding if she should let go of her feeling for you and she said that she's going to" Jinyoung was hurt after Yugyeom said that but he's not going to give up on her.

Y/n's POV

"I had to wait for Yugyeom in the bathroom" Jinyoung said. "That's sweet" I said. Yugyeom approached me. "Hey Y/n, since it's a weekend tomorrow. Wanna sleepover at my house?" He asked nicely. "Sure! I'll just text my mom" I said.


Hey mom

Yes dear?

I'm going to go for a sleepover
In my friends house

I'm going to pick up my clothes
And go to my friends house, okay?

Which friend?

Kim Yugyeom

Y/N, if your dating someone
Please tell me

Mom, I'm not dating Yugyeom

When do I say that you're
dating Yugyeom?

It sounded like that you're
assuming it

Okay, be safe

Okay mom

"She allowed me. Let's just go by my house to get my clothes" I said. "Okay!" He said. We walked to my house. It wasn't awkward silence. It was silent but it wasn't uncomfortable.

I opened the door. "Hi mom" I said. "Y/n, who's this?" She asked. "He's Yugyeom. The guy that I'm going to sleepover with" I said. "Ohhh, okay. Sit here, dear" My mom led Yugyeom to the couch.

I went upstairs to get my clothes. Mom also went with me. While I was packing my stuff she gave me the look. "Me and Yugyeom are just friends, mom" I said. "He's really tall and also good-looking" She said. I sigh.

"You can go out on him all you want, just don't get pregnant" She said. "Um... Excuse me? Pregnant? Mom, what are you thinking?" I asked. "You and Yugyeom are going for a sleepover." She said. I facepalmed.

I went back downstairs. "Yugyeom, let's go!" I said. I caught him while dozing off while staring at the floor. "Huh? Oh! Yeah" He stood up from the couch and caught up to me.

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We got to him house. "I know that I've been here before but, wow..." His house is really big. He was smiling and staring at me for a while. "Hello? Yugyeomie?" I waved my hand on his face. "Y-yeah?" He keeps dozing out. "You're dozing off alot today" I said. "You're just so pretty" He said. "Stop being a flirt" I laughed. "Now let's go inside" We went inside his house.

"So... What do you wanna do?" He asks. "You wanna practice?" I ask. "But I just wanna chill with you, right now" He whines. "Fine, We can... Okay, I have an idea but it's so random" I laugh at myself.

"What is it?" He asks excitingly. "Let's make a playlist of our favorite songs together" I say. "Yay!" He grabbed his notebook and pen.

"So, what are your favorite artists?" I ask. "Chris Brown" He says. "Oh, I didn't know that you listened to that kind of music" I say. He looks like he realized what he said. To be honest, I don't really mind Chris Brown. I just didn't know that Gyeom listened to that type of music. Well, looking at his old... Self... Yeah.

"Um... I mean-" I cut him off. "I don't mind your taste of music, as long as your still Yugyeom" He warmly smile at me.

"So what type of music do you like?" He ask. "Hm... Billie Eilish, Avril Lavigne, Ed Sheeran, Halsey, Shawn Mendez, and others" I look up at him and he was listing it down.

"How about songs?" I ask. "Um..." He looks at his music playlist cause he probably forgot. "Oh! I also listen to Billie Eilish and Ed Sheeran" He said. "Ooh! What songs are the ones you listen to?" I ask.

"Um... When the party is over, Perfect, and Photograph" He read out. "I love those songs!" We list down the songs that we like

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Some Time Later

My phone vibrated. I check the notification and... Yugyeom posted something? I check what he posted and it's us but I'm not looking at the camera. I laughed a bit cause I didn't know he took a photo.

I read the caption 'She's too focused on our activity @ky/n23 #sleepover' I looked at him and he was on his phone, smiling. I looked at the comments

sooojinnie sleepover?

yu_gyeom yep

Jinyoung_0922jy Y/n looks so pretty

parkji___ ❤💕

wannahwang you too would make a great couple. Ship

jiwow7 I don't think so

wannahwang no one asked

jiwow7 no one asked you too

ky/n23 @yu_gyeom I didn't know you took that photo

yu_gyeom now, you do

"Yugyeom were beside eachother" I say. He just laughed.

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