Wrong place at the wrong time.

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I Slowly opened my eyes, Feeling a sharp pain into my stomach. I let out a Loud groan and curled up, I opened my eyes a bit. Its very bright and hot weather and the ground was soft like soil. I smelled freshly cut grass, I looked around my hand still pressed against my stomach. "Ugh my stomach hurts like hell" i murmured, I slowly sat up Biting the inside of my cheek, holding back the stinging pain on my stomach. Looking around, I was in a unfamiliar place, It looks like a park. Then suddenly a little girl with brown hair and a blue sweater with purple stripe runs toward me and hugs me tightly. "[Your name]!!" The small child Yelled.

I let out another yelp out of pain, "wa-wait what?" I stuttered. Looking at the small Brown haired child.

"Oh [Your name]! I thought that you were going to die! I threw that ball a little to hard, oh im so so sorry [Your name]!" Says the child, Their voice quivering slightly. As if they're about to cry.

Oh god, why is this kid hugging me, I don't even know this kid. Wait, what did happen?


Thats right, I went out side and there was this scream.— scream, a lady's purse was stolen and— A man! A man ran up to me and stabbed me?!

***In front of the cafe
Lorettas POV
"Hehe i loooove you so much kai" i Cooed softly as i lay my head on his shoulder.

"Im going to get some fresh air" [your name] said.

"Oh okay!" I smiled
I gazed up into kai's eyes lovingly, The waiter comes by and sets our drinks down. "Here you go, anything to order?"

"Ah yes! Can i get a omelet?" I asked Handing my menu to the waiter.

I watch [your name] closely, Then suddenly there was a scream. In a blink of an eye. [your name] was on the floor.

I blinked a few times, "[y-your name]?"

Pools of red seeps under [your name]

"Nonononono!" I muttered as i ran out of the cafe.

"[Your name]! [your name]!" I yelled, hot tears streaming down my face. I ran out side of the cafe. "Someone call the police! [Your name]!" I sobbed into [your name]'s Hand. Its still warm.

Your POV

My mouth dropped, i was killed
I quickly stood up, But fell back to my knees. I whimper at the pain. "[Your name]! Are you okay?" The small child ask.

"Y-yes I'm okay" I replied I slowly got up. "[Your name] You can lean on me if your head hurts, We should go home its getting late." The child suggested. I leaned onto Her. My head was spinning, my stomach hurts. Did i really die? Is this heaven?

Reincarnated in a new world. ||FellSans x readerWhere stories live. Discover now