Chapter 3~ Im Sorry

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Kaminari's POV~

I woke up and groaned, the entrance exam was only yesterday and I feel so sore. I would expect me to be better in the morning but oh well. I get up and stretch, I decided to change out of the clothes I had fallen asleep in. When I got home last night, after Y/N telling me goodnight, I passed out. Like at the snap of the fastest snapper's fingers. Could've worded that better. I checked my phone and checked the time, it was only 8:15?! Wow, earliest I've ever woken up. I decided to text Y/N, maybe she wants to hang out or just talk.

MF: Good morning darling~

Hi! I'm Denki Kaminari and if you haven't noticed by now, I'm a flirt, nice to meet ya! I turned my phone expecting there to be a long wait until I get a reply since it was so early, surprisingly I got an immediate reply!

BC: I'm not your darling 😘 but good morning, what's up?

I knew she would get a little upset at that but it's kinda cute to see her act upset, even if I've only know her for a day.

MF: Nothin' hey I was thinking, do you want to hang out sometime today?~

Y/N's POV~

Oh boy, he wants to hangout, uh I've got today and some of tomorrow before the letter comes in. I guess we could. He better not try anything though.

BC: yeah sure, I'm free, waddaya wanna do??

I waited for his reply, why did I wake up for this boy? Suddenly my phone ding'd.

MF: idk, maybe go swimming at the public beach?

BC: I swear to god if it's cause u just wanna see me in a bathing suit I'm not hanging out.

I started to think that's probably why, but then again swimming sounds nice. It is the perfect weather today.

MF: No that's not the reason I swear on my life, I would just like to get to know you better hun~ and swimming sounds nice anyways

I better be doing the right thing or I'll regret all life decisions.

BC: ok fine, don't call me hun tho, meet at my house in about 30 minutes. We'll go to the mall and get bathing suits, cya soon

I got an almost lightning speed reply.

MF: alright! See ya soon!!! Oh btw what's your address?

BC: 629 Pika Ave.

MF: ok, I'll be there soon!

I turned my phone off and put it on the dresser, I brushed my teeth and fixed my messy h/c hair. I put it up in a bun, ya know for a cutesy touch. I put on some lipgloss and headed straight for my closet. I decided to wear a f/c crop top with the words 'Tropic Like It's Hot'. I put on some blue jean shorts, and to top it off some f/c converse. I also just got some sunglasses that had white rims on the outer of them. This all took me about 15 minutes. I grabbed my purse and put my phone in it as well with all my other essentials. I walked downstairs and saw Dad drinking some tea, as usual.

"Good morning Y/N! Where are you headed off to so early?" He asked me.

"Just going to the mall and beach with a friend of mine." I waved off. He smiled.

"I'm glad to see you're making friends Y/N, please be ca-" My Dad was cut off to the sound of the door knocking. I knew who it was, my Dad smiled even more(if possible) and opened the door. There we were greeted with a tall blonde male with a white t-shirt and blue jeans on, as well some Adidas shoes.

I Felt A Spark~ Kaminari x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now