Chapter 12~ Lets Begin!

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So I said earlier I'd put an updated drawing of Kaminari so here! It's with my Oc because yeah- I hope you like it! Anyways let's kick off with the Sports Festival!

Y/N's POV~

It was finally the morning of the Sports Festival, I couldn't be more excited! I basically jumped out of bed and ran towards the bathroom to get ready, I did my usual routine, showered, brushed my teeth, and did something with my h/c hair. I threw on my uniform and rushed downstairs, there awaited me a healthy breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and orange juice. I licked my lips, I then sat at the table and started to eat. 

"Enjoying the breakfast I made you?" I heard Dad ask me out of the blue, it kinda scared me so I jumped a little and choked on my eggs. I hit my chest and drank my orange juice.

"You scared me Dad! But yeah I am enjoying it, not as much as I would enjoy being at school right now though." I told him, he laughed a little.

"Well whenever you're ready Y/N." I stood up and wiped my mouth, I grabbed my bag and made my way to the door.

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Dad started to laugh and went to open the door, the knob on our front door was lower so he could reach it better. He opened the door and as soon as we walked outside I saw Kami walking too. I waved my arm and called out his name.

"Kami!" He seemed to be whistling something and turned to look at me and Dad.

"Oh is that the boy you hang out with?" I nodded my head, he waved back and walked over.

"Hey N/n!" I folded my arms.

"I said don't call me that." He chuckled.

"Yeah sure." He looked down and saw my Dad standing there beside me.

"O-Oh! Hello Principal Nezu!" He bowed down and my father laughed.

"Sir you may only bow down to me when we're on school property! Right now I'm just Mr. Nezu." He stood back up and smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, sorry sir haha." I kinda just stood there and looked at the both of them.

"Well shall we get going then? I don't wanna waste another second not at school!" They both looked at me.

"Why of course Y/n dear! Kaminari would you like to join us?" His eyes widened and gave us a smile.

"Sure, thanks!" We all got in the car, Dad driving, me in the passenger seat, and Kami in the back seat.

"I can't wait for the Sports Festival! It's the day where we'll be scouted for our abilities and work along pro's!" I said enthusiastically, Kami chimed in.

"Yeah it's so exciting!" I turned around and looked at him.

"Hey if we go against each other, don't expect me to go easy on you, I'm gonna bring out everything I have. No holding back." He gave me a determined look.

"Right back at cha." I went back in my seat and Dad spoke.

"Remember Y/n, only three transformations per battle!" I nodded my head.

"Yes sir! I'll save my dinosaur form for la-"

"Oh and no turning into dinosaurs." I froze, wait what?

"W-What? Why not? That's my most powerful form!" We got to U.A and we all got out, the entry way was covered in decorations, food stands, and gift stations lining the entrance.

"Woah." Kami and I said at the same time.

"Jinx." He said, I laughed a little.

"Kaminari you go ahead, I have to talk to Y/n for a bit." He nodded.

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