In His Arms

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Thank you all so much for reading, commenting, voting, etc. It really does mean a lot to me :)

So here's another one shot that I wrote a while ago... This one's not based off of a song like the others, but the title is from a song... Hope you like it :) xx


He'd been showing symptoms for ages. Each and every one went ignored; he blamed the extreme exhaustion and nearly everything else on their work. He promised that he would be better as soon as he got some decent sleep.

Their management had given them a few weeks for break.

But when Harry still wasn't better after the break, Louis decided it was time to intervene. He dismissed Harry's continuous stream of excuses and took him to a professional.

The two sat together, hands intertwined as they awaited the verdict. They perked up when an official-looking man walked into view. He held a clipboard in his hand.

He glanced down at the papers, his brow furrowing. When he looked back up, his expression was one of sorrow and pity. Both Harry and Louis' faces fell before the man uttered a single word. His face explained everything. The man had confirmed Louis’ worse fear, something that Harry hadn’t even thought of.

Terminal cancer.

There was nothing they could do about it, he had said. It had progressed for too long without treatment.

Louis cried, yelled, sobbed, screamed, and cried more. This couldn't be happening. Not to Harry. Not his Harry. Anything would be better than this. He wished that he could take this upon himself, instead of being forced to watch his Harry suffer. How could something like this happen to his baby Harry?

Harry just sat and watched him silently. Tears welled up in his once bright green eyes. He had known something was wrong with himself, but he never expected this. Not in a million years. He knew it was his own fault. He should have gotten the help of a professional instead of being stubborn. Maybe they could have cured him. It was doubtful, but now there was even less of a chance that anything positive could happen.

The next day, the whole band gathered in the Tomlinson-Styles flat. The couple sat the boys down and told them the horrid, unavoidable news, as well.

Niall cried.

Liam punched a wall.

Zayn was in disbelief.

After the initial denial, the five gathered together. Each hugged Harry and Louis, promising that they would get through this, that it would somehow work out. But inside, they all knew this wasn't something that could be solved easily. It was already too late.

They told their families after that.

Saying that they took it badly was an understatement. Both Harry and Louis' families were sobbing uncontrollably, demanding to speak with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2012 ⏰

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