Give Me Love.

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I wrote this at like two in the morning while I was listening to this song...

It's really more of a drabble than a one shot, but whatever.

I love Ed Sheeran and this song so much <3


Maybe tonight I'll call you after my blood turns into alcohol.


Harry slammed the glass bottle on the kitchen counter with nearly enough force to shatter it. After downing nearly an entire bottle of vodka plus several other varieties of alcohol, his thoughts were clouding over. His thoughts were distorted. It was a wonder how he was still standing. He glanced at the large clock behind him.

It claimed that it was two a.m.

He wasn’t sure if he should trust anything he saw in his current state of intoxication.

If the clock was correct, then three hours had passed since Louis had left. Tears pricked his green eyes at the thought. Louis had left. He’d walked right out the door without sparing a backward glance for the boy he was leaving behind.

Harry could hardly even recall exactly what had happened. All he remembered was yelling, lots of yelling, almost to the point of tears. Then Louis had raised his fist as if he was about to hit Harry, who'd shrunk away from the older boy in fear. Louis looked stunned and dropped his hand and stormed out of the flat.

He hadn't been back since then. There was no phone call, text, nothing. No indication of whether he was okay or not.

Harry had been worried sick. No matter what happened between them, he would always be protective of Louis. What if something bad had happened to him and Harry wasn't there to protect him? His heart ached at the thought. He sat by the door waiting for Louis.

But Louis didn't come back. Without thinking, Harry had turned to alcohol. He knew there were several ways to handle this situation, all of which better than his choice, but this had come to mind first.

So there he was, chasing the pain away with the burn of vodka flowing down his throat.

He knew that through the tears and alcohol, all he really wanted was Louis to be there with him, to hold him and know he was okay. But you can't always get what you want.

Harry decided he might call Louis after drowning himself in alcohol.

Another half bottle of vodka later, Harry was drunk out of his mind. He'd chosen then to call Louis.

He somehow dialed the number he knew so well, impatiently waiting to hear the voice that he knew and loved more than anything else in the world.

It went straight to voicemail.

His heart sank. Either Louis had turned his phone off or he really didn’t want to talk to him…

Harry spent the next half hour sobbing into the receiver. He begged Louis to come home and apologized endlessly.

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