remember me

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this was requested! like a really long time ago and I'm just now writing it because I didn't know how to before. it isn't exactly like the prompt but I hope you still like it!
Uh c/n means cousin's name

it had been a number of years since you've been in Japan. you decided to move to (random country) for your hero career, Japan was overflowing with heroes and you figured your services were needed elsewhere. You were pretty popular by your standards, you were known in other countries even for your "bravery and willingness to help others," really, you were just doing your job.

nonetheless around a week ago a family member called, in the middle of your sleep in a frenzy.

you were sleeping peacefully before your loud ringtone blared through the before-quiet room. you woke up shocked, why would your phone be ringing this late at night? you answered it nonetheless mumbling out a groaned, "hello?" as you tried to wake yourself up.

"(y/n) i'm sorry to call so unexpectedly like this. did I wake you up? it must be late over there." a female voice, one of your close cousin's sang through the phone.

"Yeah, it's three in the morning," you woke yourself up. Your cousin never called unless it was serious, or your birthday, and it wasn't your birthday.

remembering that fact, suddenly you were alert, darting up from your previous position laying down. "What's the matter (c/n)?" you said in a demanding tone. "Japan needs you right now, we're in a bad place at the moment and we need all the hands we can get,"

"But-" she cut you off before you could get another word out.

"I know you have your duties in (random country) but I'm sure you can understand that the hero's association is in need of help at the moment and you can always go back if you're needed that badly." you couldn't argue with that. if Japan needed you, you would be there.

"fine, but you're paying for my plane ticket."

a week later your plane landed in tokyo, japan and you soon took the train to musutafu, your home town.

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