morning cuddles

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(y/n) groaned as the the morning light shining through his curtains finally managed to stir him enough to wake himself up. he reached out to his side where usually his lover bakugou would be sleeping peacefully beside him but found only the remaining warmth from his body heat.

they usually slept in on weekends just laying in bed together lazily. enjoying each others warmth and presence with very little conversation, and sharing short kisses which bakugou detested (only in theory) because it was "way too cheesy" for him.

(y/n) turned over onto his back and stretched his limbs out with a yawn. and groaned again when he realized he actually had to get up this morning. bakugou was probably in the kitchen already starting breakfast for the lazy boy as well as their other roommates.

after much thought (y/n) decided to get out of bed, wincing when his bare feet touched the cold floor and deciding to bring a small blanket with him to wrap around his shoulders. he shuffled out of the door and down the stairs not bothering to put on slippers where he could begin to smell bacon cooking on the frying pan.

Now motivated by food (y/n) started picking up the pace walking into the living room, passing by denki laying on their couch watching whatever cartoons came on in the morning. (y/n) threw the small blanket onto denki who looked a bit cold, and watched him cover himself with it wordlessly. why were all his roommates so.... cute?

He moved straight towards the kitchen seeing his boyfriend turned towards the stove with a black tee and gray sweats, obviously just something to sleep in but he still looked hot.

(y/n) took the chance to slide behind bakugou and wrap his arms around his waist. bakugou was of course unsurprised by his clingy boyfriends behavior and turned his head to give him a peck on his lips before looking back down at the pan.

"you could've waken me up ya know! I would've helped," (y/n) pouts turning his face into the ash-blonde's shoulder. bakugou scoffs at the bold faced lie his boyfriend told. "I tried. your ass is too stubborn and didn't wanna wake up, so i left," bakugou flips the bacon completely unfazed by (y/n)'s actions.

the (h/c) male huffed at the accusation though it was fairly true and he wasn't a morning person. (y/n) places a kiss on bakugou's neck before pulling apart and hopping onto the counter opposite the stove. "its cold without you, I get lonely."

bakugou scoffs again. "i've only been out of bed for fifteen minutes"

"well yeah, but that's like forever to me"

bakugou plates the bacon before putting 2 more slices into the pan, barely flinching when the grease pops his hands. he turns towards his pouty boyfriend and places himself between his legs looking up at him. (y/n) rests his arms on the others shoulders, assuming the position they've been in many times.

"Why do I have such a clingy boyfriend, huh?" bakugou smirks trapping the other between his arms.

"hmm.. I think I have my benefits.." (y/n) leans his head down to kiss bakugou but the other quickly shoves his face out of the way.

"gross. don't kiss me with morning breath." bakugou unhooks the man's arms from his neck and turns around to plate more bacon as he hears the other whine from behind him.

"uuuughhh no fair... you did that on purpose," (y/n) says in a pouty tone, kicking his legs back and forth.

bakugou scoffs, "grow up." not taking the other seriously and moves his plates over to the counter next to (y/n) before yelling, "COME EAT OR STARVE!" to his other housemates. (y/n) gets off the counter and turns towards a plate to start eating. bakugou moves to the couch passing kaminari who has his blanked wrapped around him, but doesn't question it and plops himself down to eat.

(y/n) sees Sero and Mina come down the stairs at the same time from the open kitchen.

breakfast goes as normal, everyone dissipates into their own spots to eat; small conversations happening across the room. everyone files up to load the dishwasher and then they all go their separate ways for the rest of the morning.

bakugou walks upstairs (y/n) following behind him, into their shared room once again. as soon as the (h/c) haired boy opens his door he sprints to fall back into bed missing the warmth. the blonde follows shortly after pushing the other male away for space to relax.

(y/n) rolls over snaking an arm over bakugou's waist to snuggle into him. the blonde lifts his left arm from his side letting the other man lay his head onto it.
they both settle into their respective spots. bakugou takes the initiative to tangle their legs together and grip (y/n)'s waist bringing him impossibly closer. He sleepily looks up at the blonde male, catching his striking crimson colored eyes studying the loving expression on his lover's face.

(y/n) smiles dumbly at his suitor and stretches up to catch the blonde's slightly chapped lips in a short yet tender kiss. afterwords he snuggles his head into the crook of bakugou's neck, taking in the scent of the other male and relaxing into him. bakugou scoffs lovingly at the others actions and closes his eyes as well, squeezing (y/n)'s waist reassuringly.

it doesn't take long for the (h/c) male's breath to begin to even out and his chest to begin to rise and fall steadily. the taller lets out a sigh as he begins to feel his own eyelids droop with tiredness despite the warm sun shining through their curtains. he gives into the temptation to fall into slumber next to his now sleeping boyfriend and relaxes into the fuzzy feeling he gets in his stomach.

"i love you."


damn im good

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