Pizza? Chineese

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Bradleighs POV

"So how does it feel being home?" John asked me as we walked through the door of our house which I haven't been in for over a month now.

"Amazing" I slumped down on the sofa.


"Chineese" I fluttered my eyelashes.

"Fine" He half laughed and sat down next to me, bringing a fluffy cream coloured honked with him. After having another 10 minute argument about what we should watch I finally convinced him to watch Love Island.

"Why do you even like this programme?" He asked as we were about to start the third episode.

"Watching 6 beautiful tanned guys lounge around all day is why" I laughed. "I don't get why you don't like it though, you get to watch all the girls"

"I've got you to look at, I don't need anyone else" he smiled and planted a kiss on my nose.

I gathered the remaining boxes of chineese and put them in the kitchen, knowing the guys will be around sooner or later to finish it off. I shouted out to John that I was going to get changed, although most of my clothes remained in London. I walked up the stairs looking at all the photos that were in new frames along with my subscriber plaques. Kevin told me in detail about Kyles and Johns fight and how all my photos fell of the wall and broke. Kevin made a big point to john about getting all the photos fixed immediately as they mean so much to me. I walked into the bedroom which was a mess. I didn't really know what I was expecting considering John has been living here alone. The wash bin was overflowing with different clothing items along with a pile of cups and dishes which also needed to be washed.

"What's taking you so long?" He ran up the stairs.

"How have you been living in this mess?" I half laughed and picked up a T-shirt of the floor with a food coloured stain on it.

"It's not that bad" he rolled his eyes.

"How can you even find anything?"

"Here" He then said and handed me one of his football jerseys that he knew i wore to laze around in. I half smiled, annoyed that he knew what I was looking for and he could find it. His jersey came up to just above my kneecaps so I followed John back downstairs to watch a film. He had already poured us both a glass of wine each.

"You know we haven't booked anywhere yet for holidays" he said whilst scrolling through his phone.

"We've actually never been away just us two"

"A few of the guys are going Vegas so maybe we can go somewhere just us two and join then afterwards"

"Oh my god Barbados!" I clapped. "Come on we have to!" I added. I grabbed my laptop from the coffee table and looked at different pictures of Barbados.

"I suppose it's nice" John said.


"Imagine how relaxing it will be"

"You have to promise you won't work the whole time"

"You have to let me film parts of it, come on" i pulled a puppy dog face. "It's our first holiday alone"

"Excatly, alone. No cameras for once"

"But we can look back at it one day and show our kids so they can see what cool parents they have" I smiled. He didn't reply which meant I was right.

"I'll book it in the morning darling" he said, his voice slightly raspy from the tiredness.

Johns POV

After choosing a film to watch I played with Brads hair until she slowly fell asleep. I knew a few of the guys were coming over to eat the chineese that was left over so I text them telling them to let themselves in quietly.

Five minutes later they all came tiptoeing into the from room.

"Shit mate, sorry" Kyle said as he dropped his fork on the floor causing Bradleigh to shuffle a bit but not wake up. I rolled my eyes and adjusted myself to make myself comfortable as well.

"So when are you actually going to propose?" Kevin asked me.

"Bro we're going on our first holiday literally just us two and she want to go to Barbados" I said. "But I've got an idea"

"Oh god" Raz half laughed. "Go on"

"I'm thinking I just play the whole thing down, you know say I'm not really excited for the Barbados part or maybe say I've invited the boys along but do the whole proposal thing with flowers and candles"

"John, that is the best thing I've ever heard" Kevin smiled. "I didn't think you were actually romantic at all"

"Don't say anything though" I then added. Before I could say anything else Bradleigh stretched out and woke herself up. "Hey look, you must be tired, why don't you go to bed babe?" I played with her hair.

"No, I have to edit oh my god!" She almost panicked. "It's going to take me forever to edit for my channel and for city"

"Calm down, I'm sure everyone will understand if you take a little longer to upload" I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Look, I'm gonna see how much I can do before bed so have a nice evening you lot, and don't be too naughty okay?" She joked.

"Never" I winked back.

The guys and myself just had a few drinks and watched some shit on the tv before they all decided that they should head home.

"See you at the parade then bro" Kyle smiled. He managed to get himself a little apartment in the same block that I used to live in.

"Yeah I'll see you there" I gave him a hug. The parade was in a few days time and everyone just wanted to chill out before then.

I cleared the cans of beer up and threw them away along with the now empty containers of chineese and made my way up to bed. Unsurprisingly Bradleigh was sitting up in bed working away on her laptop.

"I thought you were meant to be resting" I raised an eyebrow. She didn't respond but just closed her laptop and stretched out.

"Cuddles please" she said in almost a child like voice.

"How could I say no to such a pretty face?" I asked rhetorically. I took off my shirt and climbed into bed. Brad rested her head in my chest and tangled her legs in mine.

"I've missed this, you know just us two, alone" she huffed tracing around my tattoos.

"This is our life now. Just us two against the world"

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