Hang In There

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Bradleighs POV

"I swear to god I am too pregnant to be watching this" I covered my eyes. We were at Wembley at the Community Shield and annoyingly it went to penalties.

"Thought you were calm during penalties" Pep laughed.

"Were is the key word during that" I responded. To me the penalty shootout felt like it was going to last forever. I knew the meet-up the Liverpool would be slightly awkward due to the whole Champions League situation and now Klopp would be overly nice to me whenever we met up. The last penalty, taken by Jesus which had to go in, did. I didn't realise I was holding my breath throughout the whole thing until I went to speak.

"I mean I wish I could say I was shocked about the win" I joked to John as he ran over. I always have faith in the boys but when we play against Liverpool you can never really predict what is going to happen.

"I'm so happy you came along" he smiled. John was insistent that I stayed in Manchester incase anything happened to the baby. But obviously I insisted that I would be just fine.

"The baby isn't due for another couple of weeks, honestly I am fine" I laughed, really underplaying the situation. John is a bit naive with this whole pregnancy, I mean the baby come come at anytime really, especially now but there was no way I was just going to sit at home by myself watching the match.

"Bradleigh, you really didn't have to drop us all home you know?" Kyle laughed as I was doing to usual rounds back in Manchester, dropping the usual guys off.

"Well I might as well make myself useful while I'm like this" I half laughed, all the guys have had a few drinks to celebrate so it's best I make sure they all get home safe.

"Why don't you guys all come back to ours for a pizza?" John suggested.

"FIFA tournament?" Raheem suggested.

"Only if you want to get beat again?" I laughed thinking about the time I somehow managed to beat everyone.

"We all know that was beginners luck" Raheem laughed as I swung into our driveway.

"Right so you all want pizza?" I asked the guys as I walked into the house, none of them responded so I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

"Bradleigh?" John took a step forward to me. "Don't you feel wet?"

"John that's really not appropriate!" I burrowed my eyebrows, that kind of talk was really inappropriate in front of the guys.

"No erm like" he stuttered. "I think this means something?"

"Fuck sake John!" Kevin interrupted. "Bradleigh, your water has broken! You need to go to the hospital" he shouted. I looked down to see a little puddle of water that had formed below me.

"Right I've got the bag, let's go!" John said before I could even speak. Kevin and Raheem ushered me into the back seat of my car and then sat either side of me, with Johns diving and Kyle riding shotgun.

"4 hours" I moaned. Never did I think I would be waiting this long to give birth. My water had broken approximately 4 hours ago and I could now see a small crack of light coming through the blind from where the sun was now rising. Every time I got a contraction I would curse and grab onto one of the guys hands, each of the taking it in turns as apparently I was hurting them, like they knew what pain I was going through.

"It's okay, you're almost 9 centimetres so hang in there" Raheem tried to encourage me.

"Hang in there?" I repeated. "How would you like to be hanging from a rope in the bathroom?" I managed to say in one breathe and then followed by a scram.

"Shhhh" John took my hand. "You are doing just fine" he smiled and tilted my head so our eyes locked. Like the first time we met, in the auditorium. I could of happily never spoken to him again after that day, oh how I was wrong.

"Sorry ma'am, do you mind if I take a look?" The nurse then walked in. "Looks like we are finally ready to go to the delivery room"

"Wait, seriously?" My eyes widened.

After god knows how long of screaming, squeezing, pushing and crying the doctor announced that he could see a head.

"Is that is! A fucking head!" I screamed and pushed again.

"It's almost over, you're almost there!" John jumped from excitement.

After one final push the sound of a newborn baby filled the room, it felt so right, like I had been waiting the hear this noise forever. In a moment of minutes the umbilical cord was cut and our little boy was wrapped perfectly in a white towel and was handed to me.

I couldn't help but gawk at the sight of him, he was here, he was finally here. I held him tightly to my chest, like glass easily broken. He didn't open his eyes at first but but that didn't stop me from staring at them. But when they did they were the perfect mix of the green from my eyes and the blue from Johns. He was so tiny, it was impossible to get over. His fingers reached out for whatever was in front of him. John wales over and placed out his finger which the little boy wrapped his fingers around straight away. A sudden wave of emotion came over me.

"He's finally here huh?" I said, my voice breaking and tears falling straight onto the blanket he was wrapped in.

"You did amazing sweetie" John pusher the hair out of my face and kissed my forehead.

"Now we are going to keep you in for one day just to see if he takes to breast feeding and just to check over his health and what not" The nurse smiled.

"Great, thank you so much" I smiled. The nurse walked out and in came the rest of the guys.

"So do you have a name?" Kevin asked.

"Erm Kyle?" Kyle interrupted.

"We haven't actually thought of it yet" I smiled up to John.

"Come on you must have some ideas" Raz said.

"I suppose we will have to think about it" John smiled, still not letting go of the babies hand.

"I'm going to go shower if you want to sleep" I smiled and placed the little boy into the cot next to the bed. "I'll be fine, honestly"

When I came back from my shower John was fast asleep in the bed, right next to our little boy. I hunted around for my phone and took a picture of the two of them. Johns tattooed arm being more than double the size of the little one.

"So I've been thinking" John said as I must of fell asleep in the chair next to him, dreaming about our perfect little family.

"Go on?"

"I think he looks like a Tommy"

"Tommy Stones" i said aloud. "I like it"

@bradleighreynolds: like father like son

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@bradleighreynolds: like father like son. Welcome to the world Tommy Stones. Could this picture be anymore perfect???!!!

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