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Unlike other animals we - to my knowledge - form the world around us. That means what we understand or what our consciousness is limited to, will give things meaning in its own terms. What im saying is that everything could be an illusion if you think about it.

Desires are very different from needs, albeit, they can warp for different understandings. Desires are also irrational and sometimes uncontrollable to the feeble animalistic minds ,though, it is only natural. But what is natural? and is there any difference to artificial? Well it all depends on perspective and consciousness- this also varies upon perception.

When the consciousness rises, the more things will be given definition. There are infinite states of consciousness or could there be? The infinity is beyond comprehension of the human mind. Such an example is a paradox- it lacks understanding to create a paradox- for our minds are incapable of comprehension though through enlightenment, we ourselves get closer to the godhead.

In the insights of such incomprehensible trilogies -our thoughts- are that of which partakes in such understandings. The brain, when brought to its full potential, could unleash the unconsciousness that lays dormant due to the low vibrational frequency of our current bodies.

The unconscious is basically connected to the godhead. In the event that one does achieve the unlocking of its understanding, one would achieve enlightenment. It is also purely positive- to my understanding- and is very loving and affectionate - wtf am I talking about you ask? Well I read some book about life n shit and you shouldn't have to make sense of this if you're a close minded piece a crap.

Viewing the world on negative terms would give these kinds of statements:

The world has no purpose. Death would be our harbringer- in the event that life would be taken out of the body by the unhabitable environments that the soul cannot reside on, should it bring the void. If there were to be a continuation of life in terms of reincarnation should it be damned- life would be meaningless, unless, if such a consciousness can give meaning on such illogical and or irrational terms.

But what is logic?

Logic could be undefined since it has no meaning -to my perspective- and giving it meaning would not apply on all scales or terms of which consciousness arises to. For a dog's logic does not apply for the conditions of man.

But who am I to say what is real and what isnt? Everything could be an illusion for all you know.

The void be the most rational solution to all problems created in ways of which a consciousness of limitations could agree or deny to. Speaking of which is a fact that none of the problems that you are having now would be existing if you were void and or non-existent.

Now if we were to speak of viewing terms of positivity, it would be the exact opposite of what I have composed of the paragraphs that had been made. This signifies to which of a person you are; as pessimistic or optimistic. Here is an example:

Love is what exists all around the universe,multiverse, or any other existence to which a negativity exists, for consciousness is based upon the energies governing on the platform of relativity.

Love is what opposes hate. It creates happiness to a degree of satisfaction and also creates a by-product in the form of desire. Though with Love, nothing will make sense for love brings a different kind of perception that a majority of us as humans have experienced.

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