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It was an ordinary day for you. Pillage, plunder, pick-pocket, and try to avoid the drunken fools wandering the streets. Now it was nearing sunset, and you were going to ask a favor from a friend who could get you off this forsaken piece of land. That person just happened to be in the tavern at the time. You were quickly and resentfully walking through the tavern, heading toward your friend, when you bumped into someone.

"Oh, excuse me." you said, as the other person said something similar. The voice was deep and sort of mesmerizing to you. You turned to the owner of the voice. It was a man with light blue eyes and wearing an old British Royal Navy Commodore uniform. You figured he was from Port Royale, though you rarely saw officers from Port Royale in Tortuga.

"Hi. I'm James Norrington. And who might you be?" he said.

"(Y/n) (L/n)." you replied.

"A very nice name for a very nice looking woman." he smiled.

"Thank you." you said, "What might a Port Royale Commodore like yourself be doing in a place like this, Mr. Norrington?" you asked, gesturing to your surroundings.

"Please, call me James. I lost my position, and now I'm trying to figure out what to do." he replied.

"Well I can tell you that you won't find out in a tavern. That's for sure."

"Yes, I suppose you're right." he smirked.

You and James talked for a while until you remembered that you had to go talk to your friend. During that time, James fell back into his slump. When you came back, you saw him in front of a table, talking to Joshamee Gibbs, a man who you knew. James had thought that you had left, and that you didn't really like him.

You saw him flip over a table.

"So am I worthy to serve under Captain Jack Sparrow?" he said, then pointed a pistol at a man who you presumed was the aforementioned captain. "Ot should I just kill you now?"

Sparrow tried to hide behind a large post, but Norrington still kept his pistol trained on him.

"You're hired." said Jack.

"Sorry. Old habits and all that." Norrington replied. Some men tried to keep Norrington from firing the pistol, but ended up causing you to jump as the pistol fired and hit the chandelier, ricocheting off and breaking a man's bottle. Soon a fight had commenced. During the chaos, you saw Gibbs leaving.

"Hey! Gibbs!" you yelled running after him. "May I join?" you asked, motioning to the papers in his hands.

'Bad luck to bring a woman on board, but she won't be staying long.' he thought to himself. "Yes, but, um, at your own risk." he subtly warned.

"Anything to get off this forsaken island." you replied as you signed the paper he handed you. You walked with him to the Pearl and got to work cleaning and preparing the ship. Soon, Gibbs came back along with the rest of the crew. You saw Jack talking to some guy, but you couldn't hear what they were saying. Norrington was behind the man. You saw him throw up, then add to the conversation, then throw up again, and then join the conversation again.

"You've got your eye on someone, I see." Gibbs said from behind you.

"Oh, Um..." you stuttered.

"Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me." he said, going back to his duties. James threw up again, but this time when he lifted his head back up, his eyes met yours. You both smiled at each other. Soon, everyone was on the boat, and you set sail, leaving Tortuga behind.

James Norrington X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now