Part Twelve

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Part Twelve

3:00 am
Grayson's POV

Her hands had worked for hours: stitching wounds, bandaging limbs and figuring out if, whatever was wrong with Y/n, would affect our unborn child. Never once did she look up, she was too fixated on my wife, who was lied on the kitchen table.

I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I slumped into a chair by the table. Not only had this been stressful for Raye, but it was taking a toll on me as well. If Y/n doesn't make it, then I don't know how I will survive.

"You should get some sleep. You look horrible."

Raye smirked slightly, despite still being trained on Y/n. She blew a strand of her white hair out of her face, for it to fall back in front due to the open draft. I immediately stood up from the wooden stool and closed the window, just by the sink. "Thank you" I heard behind me. I only nodded, then walked back to the stool, only to pull it closer to Y/n. My hand grasped hers, and I gently kissed the back of it as I held it tighter. She was breathing normally now, yet her face was still sickeningly pale.

"I'm not sure what to do at the moment. If I had the proper equipment then maybe I could do more."

Raye sighed quietly, as my other hand found her shoulder. "Thank you, so far".

She gave me a small smile before casting her eyes down at the floor. Something was troubling her.

"I, I'm sorry for killing your brother", I looked at her in shock, "I acted out of rage and refused to think about your feelings. For that I am truly regretful".

I then looked down similarly like she had. A small tear trickled down my cheek before I could stop it, and I brushed it away quickly. Yet from the corner of my eye, she has noticed my state. Her mouth opened like she wanted to say something, until it closed once again. Raye stood up, "I'll give you a moment."

With that, she left the kitchen for me to be alone.

Not two seconds after she left, I found more salty tears streaming down my face and onto the surface.
Broken sobs escaped my lips, as I attempted to hide them with my free hand over my mouth. No use.

"Please wake up. I beg of you. Don't leave me alone, Ethan is gone. You can't leave me as well, we have a child coming now. They deserve to see this world like we did, so please. Just open your eyes for me".

Y/n's eyes remained shut.

"Love, don't stop fighting" My forehead met the the table top, "I need you."


"Why are you crying?".

A cold hand lifted my head off the table, and my eyes met the familiar ones I had grown to love. Y/n.

"Oh my god" I gasped, leaning in and kissing her on the lips like I haven't before. She giggled as we parted, making me smile to myself.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded then looked up at the clock. 3:07 am, it said.

"What's going on? What happened before?"

Y/n expected me for a moment when I didn't answer her, a frown growing on her porcelain features.

"Grayson" she tightened her hand around mine, "where's Ethan?".


4:24 am

Y/n had fallen back to sleep, after an hour of sobbing into my chest. The news of Ethan's death had taken her by surprise.

She snored lightly in the bed, after being moved into one of the spare rooms in the house. I sat on the end of the bed, watching as her chest moved up and down with every breath.

"You need to get sleep as well Grayson".

I looked up to see Cameron in the doorway, her shoulder resting on the door frame. Immediately I noticed the shadows underneath her eyes, and the eyeliner which had smudged her cheeks.

"No I don't" I replied. She sighed, then walked over to the bed and sat down next to me.

"It's okay to be sad, you know. You try to act tough all the time, but right now you need to be open to yourself."

I didn't reply. After a moment of just silence, she stood up once again with a sigh.

"Just get some rest" she said, walking towards the door, "see you in the morning."

The door closed behind her, and I wiped my eye tiredly. The loss of sleep had begun to hit me. Taking my sister's advice, I climbed into the bed next to Y/n and pulled the covers over my body.

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