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(I'm going to do a whole time skip. So basically, your dad abused you everyday, made you do stuff, you cut yourself a lot and you have cuts and bruises on your stomach, back, arms and legs. Most from your father and the rest from you. Also, founding cut too much so you have about 20-30 cuts or so maybe less. Now is one week until U.A) (sry for the time skip)

(Y/ N) P.O.V.

I wake up and check my clock. It reads 5:26am. Guess I should get up. (y/ n) drags themselves out of bed and walks to the bathroom to wash up. Today was the entrance exam to get into U.A and honestly, I wasn't feeling up to it. (y/n) grabs black sweatpants, a black shirt and a black hoodie. All black, new color. I hope dad doesn't wake up. I leaves my room and tip toe downstairs. (y/n) cracks out the frying pan and make eggs with coffee for father. I walk out the door with only water and hog to the U.A. building. Let's gets this over with. I can't stay for long though... Next to me I see someone about to trip but I completely ignore them not wanting to have social interaction and to not show my quirk, yet.

Time skip to Present Mic explaining the test by.... author-Chan

"Are you guys ready to rUmBlEee??!?!!?" he shouted. Honestly I thought I was going to go deaf. "Tough crowd. Okay so there are 3 robots worth different points. Smaller ones are two points, medium three points and large ones four points. Any QUESTIONS?" A boy about the same age as me with blue hair and glasses stood up and raised his hand. "There is one more obstacle you didn't mention. If this was a mistake, then you have shamed U.A.'s name!" Present Mic explained that the largest one, the size of a building is worth zero points and to try to stay away from them. The blue haired boy then looked at me with his hand pointed in my direction and said, "Pay attention and stop slouching! We are here to be heroes so if you're not interested then I suggest you leave this instant." (y/ n) looked at him with a glare of murderous intent with his/her (e/c) eyes and in a cold voice said, "Actually I think if I wanted to become a hero and pass this test I wouldn't be pointing out someone's fucking flaws, sir." The boy froze and sat back down with a loss for words.

Time skip to the actual exam

I dashed towards the robots while everyone else just stood there and eventually started going. (y/ n) saw a three pointer and a four pointer. "Von de disaster ich so" (y/ n) said. In his/her hand a black sword appeared. "The World" (y/ n) said and time stopped. I only have a few seconds so let's see how much training has paid off. Leaping into the air I quickly slashed into the air and both robots fell down. Time resumed and everyone looked confused and saw me next to the robots. Can't they mind their own damn business, I thought. This continued and eventually the test was almost complete with 30 seconds left until I heard what sounded like a scream. I searched the ground for the voice and saw a girl who was crushed under rubble and the zero pointer coming towards her. Guess I have to help someone now, God dammit. I went to the girl and lifted the rubble off the girl with ease and I ran to the zero pointer and slashed through the air and the robot fell to the ground. I brought the girl to the center and waited until an old lady came which I'm guessing was the nurse.
"Anyone injured?" she said. I raised my hand and said,"Right here." She came over to the girl and I walked out awaiting my time at home and the letter accepting me into U.A.

Todoroki's P.O.V.

As the test ended I saw someone activate their quirk and destroy a zero pointer with ease. Hmm, they're strong, really strong. I notice that I'm starting and quickly leave as they seem to be talking to the nurse. I make my way home and quietly go up the stairs. As I'm about to make a sigh of relief I hear the basta-my father call me. "Shoooootttttoooooo!" Does the man not have a problem with his voice.. I walk down the stairs to where my father awaits and I'm met with a slap. What the hell was that for. He slaps me again and I realize I said that out loud along with what I said before. "You seem to be in a good mood saying all that carp. Hurry up and change so you can start training." my father says.
He turns around to look at me and his eyes are angry with fury. "What did you just say?"
"I said no. I'm not going to train. I come back home from the U.A. entrance exam and this is what I get! I should be resting not training!" I yell. He throws me across the room and I feel something trickle down the back of my shirt. Shit, I need to clean that quick.
"Don't ever disobey me or talk back to me like that. You were  made to surpass All Might but you're here saying that you need rest. You don't need rest. You need to train to become the top hero. U.A. doesn't accept weaklings for that matter so if you think you can sit around and do as you please, you are mistaken. You have my genes, how can you be so lazy? It must be your mother. She was always weak anyways. Only thing she was good for was giving me a successor which was you." How could he say that about mom. She was better at parenting than he ever was. My dad walks over to me and picks me up and surprisingly throws me up the stairs I hit a wall. I'm met with dust in my hair and on my face. I don't have time to react and I'm then hit with a massive wave of fire. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. I quickly run to my room and lock the door and I can hear my father walk away. I go to my bathroom and look in the mirror. He really did it, that bastard really did it all because I want to take a break?! My neck has burns from the fire and so does my face. My face will heal fast but my neck will leave faint scars. The back of my head is bleeding and I make ice to stop it. My hair is dirty and greasy from the dust and more red from the blood. I walk into the shower and turn on the cold water and stand there for what seems like an eternity.

After the cold shower...

I go to my dresser and bring out gray sweatpants and a black tank top. I flop on my bed and I'm consumed by the comfortable darkness of sleep knowing I'll become the top hero in my own path.

Okay. Longest chapter I've written so far but yeah. One of these chapters will explain the quirks once there are more characters involved.(1209 words)

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