I am...

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A/N : So the start of this chapter will be a continuation of the ending of last chapter because it makes sense. 

2). If I don't address a point of view, then it will be your point of view otherwise I will state it.

3). Question: How do you guys want your point of view to be addressed? ( Example: (Y/N); 1st person or something like that) Comment your answer! But for now I'm going to address your part as a third person type but not really.



Previously on What Are The Odds?...

You try multiple times to go to sleep but your body isn't in the best state. Your back is burning from the toxic gases, you have marks from where he beat you and you feel like dying but not yet.


Why can't he just leave me alone! He's supposed  to be a hero, but he's acting like more of a villain! I wish mom were here!

Well, she would be here if you were stronger~ You were just being weak like always. Blaming others when it's your fault~

Stop!STop!STop!STOP! It's NOT my fault!

How do you know? You couldn't even save her~

... I stay silent for a moment and scream but not loud to the point where he would come to my room. It is my fault...if only I was stronger and listened to him, I would have been able to save her so she had more time...

You are weak

I am...


Stop reminding me...I get that everyday

You're an embarrassment to your family. Your father. Mother. Even the people who call you their friends~

I...know because I am

Why won't you die~

I can try...


Without hesitation, I walk to my dresser and dig through the first drawer to find a boxes of razors. I've kept these away for way too long. I take one out of the package and walk to my bathroom while making sure my room door is locked properly and my bathroom door.

I take a deep breath while I roll up my sleeves and I have the razor hover over my left arm.





Weak. Stupid.



At this point tears are silently falling down my face as my past hits me.

You're a failure to your mother. You let her die.
Kill yourself.

Why don't I...
I place the razor on the sink and walk to my room. I look at my calender and pick a date. I walk back to the bathroom careful not to drip too much blood and close the door. Looking in the mirror, I see a (girl/boy) standing there with the most be- Hideous face ever. I rinse off my arm and look in my bathroom closet to find bandages and gauze at the bottom with hydrogen peroxide.
I dab some. Okay. Pour some on my arm and whilst doing so, I notice half of the cuts are deeper than what I've done in the past. My forearm is covered in cuts. From small to big, scratching the surface to deep. Blood smeared everywhere. I place the gauze on my arm then wrap it in bandages. I rinse off the razor, clean the sink and make sure there is no evidence of this ever happening. I turn off the light and make my way to my bed.
I turn to my phone to read a text from... Todoroki?!
( Todoroki will be addressed as IceIce and you as Dead)

Hey are you up?

Yeah. Did you need anything.

Yeah, this may seem out of the blue but...how do you get rid of a certain person in your life who you hate yet they have complete control over your life?

Um...Idk honestly.

Wait. Is everything at home okay?


Todoroki. Now. I know you're lying to me. I can sense it.

And I actually can. It's as if I'm being pulled toward something.

Fine. No it's not going well. My house is a hell hole.

How so? You don't have to answer if you don't want to...

... umm well shit. My father's here can I tell you at school?

Sure. Hope everything goes okay. Bye!


I turn off my phone and look up at the ceiling thinking about how I'm going to die. After what seems like hours, I close my eyes only to be met with images of someone I know.

Shoto's P.O.V

"Shoto! Open this door this instant!"
I drag myself off my bed and open the door to reveal a bastard engulfed in his own flames named Endebitch. "Yes father?" I ask. "Tomorrow you're going to train more and from now on you are never allowed to speak to your mother. Do I make myself clear?" I nod my head and he walks away. Well I mean my actions do have consequences. "Also, you can't eat for a week." I close my door and walk to my bed. Looking ahead of me I see a box. I haven't used that in forever. Maybe now would be a good time.
I walk over and take out the box to reveal multiple razors and bandages. I lock my door and sit in front of my bed with the box.
I start small on my left arm but go deeper and deeper until I can't feel anything anymore. I move to my right arm and do the same but less because I'm not left handed.
I walk to my bathroom and lock the door. I rinse of my arms and I feel a slight sting but it doesn't faze me. I've been through worse. I wrap my arms and clean everything as to not leave anything out. I shut off the light, put the box back and try to sleep but end up staying awake until early morning.
Okay so that was the sixth chapter. This chapter seems a little rushed but I didn't have much time since I have to pack for Wednesday but all's good. Hope you guys like it and I believe next chapter I will add the second quirk that you have.
Question: what do you think it is? Comment your answer.

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