Life Before

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I remember being asked to describe myself in just six words, and my answer was: another's before mine; timid outspoken life. I also remember the time when asked my greatest fear, while others but to die or a thousand spiders crawling on them or even falling down a cliff. I however had put losing someone close to you and when I shared, most said they forgot about such a fear. I loved sports epically soccer, a team sport which I was really good at but never wanted to be a ball hog so I often passes or scored only when necessary.

In short I'm a kind person but even with my kind nature and effort, I always change my mind when it comes to a career. I tried my best to be a tomboy and hide my girly nature because I felt to tall until after a while I just kept the height of 5'6 since eighth grade. Now just out of high school, I want to find out my destiny, "buzz," my phone went off as I reached to grab it and thought, a call from my friend just might be it.

"Hey," I said. "Come down instant, my friend Karen," replied instantly then hung up. Even though we were roommates she called me. When I walked two steps to her door she pulled me into her room; shutting the door as I gave her a confused look. "I entered you in a writing contest," she says. "You what?!" She said it again more quietly and added that it was for a band looking for a composer and I was one of the people who got through. I didn't spurt in angry and just listened to the whole thing. Afterwards I slacked her with a pillow hard then I felt a little more relived.

It was now Tuesday and I did my regular routine then I started making a list of what to pack. I decided last night that this could be my chance and even if I don't win it's not hurting the slightest. So I made this my arrange day ad I ask helped Aren who was making a mess.

On Wednesday I called my friend Sara and asked her to come along. She agreed and arrived here on Friday and finally we were all ready on Saturday. On Sunday we drove to the airport and as the pane lifted until the air I did not take a second to look back only ahead, for my new future awaits.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2014 ⏰

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