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"Who is here for Lee jihoon?" The doctor called out,  all of seventeen standing up immediately worried about their small friend.

" We are, what's wrong with him?" Jeonghan says looking at the doctor

"I'm sorry to tell you this but he only has about 2 weeks left to live his illness has gotten too bad for his body to handle"

It felt like a shot to the heart for the boys but they had to ask
" what illness?"

"He didn't tell you? He has developed an illness called hanahaki which is when feel unreturned love. He could have had surgery to have it removed but then he would lose all feelings towards that person"

Joshua's pov

He loves someone else and now he is dying because of it.

"C-can we go see him?" I heard chan ask sniffling from crying and we all look towards the doctor with hope in our eyes thankfully he says "yes"

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