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Jihoons pov

I opened my eyes to a  blinding white light and I could hear a beeping noise.
Brilliant I was in a hospital but how?

My body was aching all over and as I moved a groan escaped my lips and suddenly I could hear voices and feet moving


They were voices of my band mates and as I looked around I saw them all standing there including soonyoung.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Jun hyung questioned

.... oh guess they found out

" because I knew I would have to have the surgery again and how sad would that look 'Lee jihoon fell in love with someone who doesn't love him back twice and it ended up with him having surgery' yeah no thanks"

" but now your on the verge of death look at yourself!" Joshua hyung said well more like shouted. Which was a shock for all of us as he almost never shouts

I noticed a tear streaming down his face when I asked how long I had left.

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