Camille (Part 2)

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As requested here is part 2!

They say that night bring good counsel . And god knows I need that, a good counsel I mean.
But of course, things didn't go as I want them to and my night resulted in turning and tossing around until I finally gave up on sleeping.

It wasn't even morning yet, it was 4 a.m., so I decided to go up and check on y/d/n. The door to her room was open, so curiously I peak into it to see Klaus leaning over her crib and watching her sleep.

The view melted my heart. This was what I wanted, what I only wished for. One would think that spending time with their family was normal and not something one would spend a wish on. But being a Mikaelason, (or the time that I've spent living with them), taught me that normality isn't something that they and everyone around them had.
And I was fine with it. I mean, I knew that Nik and Elijah were managing the supernatural communities of the French Quarter and that couldn't be something easy to achieve. I put up with the long absences, with the sudden disappearances, with the brief and not at all sufficient phone calls of my boyfriend leaving me a worrying mess, even with the sudden appearances of people I had never met in my life accompanied by one of the Mikealson that stated that those people were to spend the night in our house.

All of this, I could bear.

But knowing that my fiancé was risking his life, more than he already did on a daily basis, for a woman he met only a couple of months ago, I couldn't.

I chose to stand behind and let Klaus play the king role because I know that our daughter needs at least one of us and I wouldn't trust anyone to take care of her.

His job was demanding and time consuming but I deserve to not have another woman's needs put before mine and my daughter's. This much I demand it.

Klaus hasn't noticed me and my observing went unnoticed when suddenly he took his phone out of the pocket of his skinny jeans. I watch his eyebrows furrow when he looks at the name of the caller while I wonder who could it be at this hour.

He walks away from the crib to the window to take the call and I hear him mutter the only name I would have never wanted to hear.

"Camille?" he mutters over the phone. She says something over the phone and Klaus sighs walking toward the door. He stops at the the crib almost as if he was choosing between staying or going.
To my dismay, I watch as he leaves a kiss on our daughter's head and walks out of the door and eventually out of the compound.

That's it, that was the last straw. I can't believe that he did it again. Leaving in the middle of the night to go and save a girl that shouldn't matter so much to him. If it wasn't for my insomnia, I wouldn't have known. I would be as clueless as the other day and I was done.

I've always thought that communication is the base of a well functioning relationship. So I talked to him about my problem but he didn't listen. Not only he didn't but he also went out and did it again.

I wasn't going to stand here and let him ridiculise me in this way.

I stomp to our room not even bothering to close the door, he was going to be gone for a while. I took out a bag to pack for me and another with y/d/n's necessities. It didn't take me long as I wasn't going to be gone long, I just needed to make a statement.

Sitting on the unmade bed to put the shoes on I stop when the engagement ring caught my eyes.

What does this mean for us? Was he in love with her or was he really taking care of her like he said? If so, then why risk his life for her. It still gets over my head how I went from being "the only thing he cared about" to not even being on his mind.

I play with my ring as all these questions swirled in my mind. I didn't have an answer for any of them and even if I had I wouldn't want to know.

I get up deciding to put my mind to rest and leave this questions for later. I take the bags and walk over y/d/n's crib. Careful not to wake her I put her in the stroller and leave a message for Klaus on her pillow.

"Moved out so that Camille has enough space. Y/d/N is with me. Don't bother searching for us, I'm not sure if I'm going to come back but I promise that I'm not going to take y/d/n away from you for long."

I don't know if I'm doing the right thing but I know that I have to think about this with a clear mind and I can't do that with him nearby. In my heart I know that I'll come back, for y/d/n's sake, whether I'm still going to be his fiancée or not, is what I have to figure out.

I'm thinking about doing a part 3.

What do you think Klaus is going to do when he finds out that you left?

Will you forgive him or call off the engagement?

Let me know what you think, it could be the base of part 3!

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