I - Echoes

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I exhaled slowly, fighting through the dull aching pain in my side. Abby said I was absurdly lucky the shard of metal hadn't impaled anything important; just barely missed ripping the lining of my colon. Though I was stitched up and healing, I wasn't able to stand on my own legs for a while, let alone fight anyone. For today, at least, Bellamy was going to have to be my third leg. Honestly, I didn't mind. It meant more time close to him. Make up for lost time.

Leaning against him, we stepped out at the bottom of the Polis tower, Clarke alongside us. The city that once carried exuberance and color was filled with moans of pain, stacked with bodies, stained with blood. It was a terrible sight. Perhaps the dead were lucky; the rest of us only had six months before radiation came to claim us. I had hope we'd find something to escape it, but I couldn't ignore the dire reality.

I glanced at Bellamy's concerned face, his eyes clearly searching for a certain someone. I gripped a little tighter to his arm. "She'll be okay. Octavia can take care of herself."

"That's not what I'm worried about," Bellamy replied, not meeting my gaze.

Oh, Pike then. Octavia had run a sword through him, killing him. Everyone knew she killed him. If it hadn't been her, probably would have been me.

"She won't be charged," I reassured him. "Everyone will say Pike had it coming."

Bellamy sighed. "Maybe we all do."

I guessed he still hadn't forgiven himself. Hopefully he knew I had, and I wasn't ever giving up on him again.

"How do we tell these people that the world is ending after everything they've been through?" Clarke murmured beside us.

A fair question. That was not news easily delivered.

"We don't," Bellamy said. "Not until we know Alie was telling you the truth."

"It was the truth," Clarke argued.

"Still," Bellamy grunted. "Keep it to ourselves until we know what we're dealing with and how to stop it."

Clarke pursed her lips. "You're afraid of how people will react."

"Yes!" Bellamy exclaimed. "Besides, I could use a break from keeping you alive."

I snorted, and opened my mouth to agree, but Bellamy put his arm around my shoulders, giving me another squeeze.

"You too, you know," Bellamy said, cracking a smile. "You have a habit of getting yourself into as much trouble as her."

I beamed at Clarke who shook her head, but couldn't hide the smile twitching at her lips. It fell away almost immediately, and mine followed suit. "You gave them back their pain, Clarke. Don't add to it by telling them we're going to die in six months."

Clarke nodded in agreement.

Bellamy said, "Good. Once everyone's down, we go home, we get to work. We didn't survive this long just to let a little radiation take us out."

Wailing echoed from our right. Immediately Clarke snapped into action. Though it pained me to do so, I picked up my pace until we were all beside a despaired woman holding a lifeless man in her hands. He looked more or less fine.

"He didn't fall," I remarked, taking in the lack of blood and bruises.

Horror filled Clarke's face. "He chased me in the City of Light. Lexa killed him."

The woman rose to her feet, stone cold anger carved onto her face. "Wanheda. You did this."

All around us, everyone stepped away. Murmurs rippled through the crowd, and my stomach twisted in anxiety. This did not bode well. For any of Skaikru. Knowing how things have gone in the past, they were going to blame us for this.

The End of the World (Bellamy Blake x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now