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THE hallways were mobbed as usual. Peter hung his head low while walking relatively quickly through the crowded corridors. He was jostled about as a cause of rowdy students but the crowds were fading as the bell was near ringing. A few steps before entering his classroom, someone firmly shoved him into the lockers. The cool metal struck his backside as Peter stumbled.  He slid down the lockers, his eyesight swirling. 

"Gonna fight back Penis Parker?" Mocked none other than Flash Thompson. His dark eyes flared in amusement as he saw his victim fall into the lockers and all of his belongings skate along the floor. The bell chimed, causing the hallways to be completely empty. And both boys were late to class. 

Peter groaned in annoyance"Flash, let's not start this now." As his eyesight returned, he studied the teenager shadowing above him. 

Flash sprung forward, "No, let's." A dangerous character flashed into his eyes as he kicked Peter in the abdomen. Peter winced as he attempted to dodge his sodden foot. He failed with his blurred vision and Flash's boots beat between his rib cages. 

The damage was about to stretch before a heavy voice intercepted, "What's going on here, boys?" 

Flash's appearance was drained of its hue as he faced the voice. He stammered, trying to defend his corrupt actions. "I- uh - we-" Before finishing, he bolted down the hallways, his boots screeching against the polished floorboards. 

Peter, with one hand supporting his wounded side, used his other hand to rub his eyes. He blinked a couple times before lifting his optics to adhere to the profuse voice. He couldn't believe who he was seeing; none other than Tony Stark. Peter once viewed news reports about Mr. Stark but he didn't know him individually. "Thanks." He meekly muttered, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. 

"Ah, no problem." Realizing swiftly the kid was still sitting on the ground, Tony offered his hand for the boy. "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you too bad?" 

Peter took the man's palm, pulling himself back up to his feet. "No. I'm fine." He suddenly caught eyes with Mr. Stark and they were both trapped into a sudden daze. They deeply perceived each other as if they hadn't seen a human for years. But Peter couldn't help but hold a spark of compassion in the midst of the trance. 

Tony was the first to break away, his eyes falling down to Peter's clothing. "Uh, so you're Peter Parker." Peter was confused about how he already knew that but pushed the thought away. "I just chatted with your chemistry teacher. Apparently, you're her top student." A sheepish grin cracked along Stark's face. 

Peter rolled his eyes, plucking his bag from the floor. "Y-Yeah but she's a suck up anyway." He stated, referring to his chemistry professor. Tony didn't show to be too pleased with his remark. His dark eyes shimmered in an unexpected surprise, he didn't imagine Peter Parker as a rude boy. They both hesitated in intense stillness. 

"Why do you let him bully you? I mean- especially with your strength." Tony questioned, cocking his head in interest. His soft side seemed to fade as Peter noticed his voice become firmer. 

Peter flinched, surely Mr. Stark didn't know. How could he? "W-What?" He responded dumbly. Peter could feel the heat rising to his cheeks, he wasn't the best liar. 

"Oh come on," Tony swiftly opened his phone and projected a video of Spiderman swinging from building to building. He swiped, swapping the video to one with Spiderman stopping a thousand-pound car. "Don't pretend like that's not you." 

"Okay, okay," Peter shushed Mr. Stark's blatant words as he stepped closer. He worriedly glanced around, praying students weren't nearby to eavesdrop. "How did you figure out-" 

Stowing away his phone, Tony shrugged, "I have my ways like you have yours." He then plucked a business card from his front pocket, shoving it into Peter's hands. "My company has an opening for pupils like you. You could shadow sometime. We offer internships and scholarships." 

Peter, clueless as he usually was, politely accepted the card. "Thanks. Uh- I should probably get to class." 

"You should." Tony straightened his rigid posture as his fingers fixed his crooked tie. 

Peter smiled as he tossed his backpack over his shoulders. Tony watched as the kid skipped down the hallway and into the correct classroom. He couldn't help but sense an undefinable passion race through his veins. Tony Stark was known for getting what he wanted, and he wanted Peter Parker. 


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