prologue - beautiful calamity

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the first day i met him, my heart sunk waaaaay to far into my chest.

light brown almost hazel green eyes that never leave the memory of my typical forgetful mind.for the life of me i had never remembered a face, not to mention the face i had only ever seen once, for the first time in my entire 16 years of existance.his face was one that i didnt fathom for one second that his presence would fill the entire contents of my overthinking brain, his pesky beautiful self continoulsy knocking on my door.i dont even know his name but i bet it just rolls off the tongue he is just so asdfghjkl. did i mention the beauty spots. MASSES of spots that if i could,would be able to connect the dots into constellations i could never reach.dark blonde hair almost light brown that was always styled up in the most what seems like a signature quiff, that observation only because it just looks soo professionally done.i wouldnt mind it being messy and breathtaking either,who doesnt like a boy with messy hair i mean come onnnnnn!

basically, this guy looked like the perfect catch. not that i enjoy fishing or the like.its just that he didnt seem to have any flaws what so ever bot physically and environmentally, not that ive met him, im a tad too shy to just walk up to him, tap him on the shoulder and be like "hey boy, you fine as hell lemme get them digits and ill call you later for a hookah". did i mention he plays NFL. judjginng by his 'LA tigers' duffle bag.. or that he has perfect white straight teeth, long ass lashes and the most sexiest lips on the face of this earth, peeeerrfectly plumped!i should really get his name instead of stalking him like a mad woman. i hope he doesnt realise that in the span of 4 minutes, i have inclined closer and closer towards him, maybe i can catch a whiff of his cologne. oooooh that would be so freaking AWESOME!. hold up lea, dont get ahead of yorself get his name. but how am i suppose to do that. by the way you should by now have noticed that i soliloquize a fair bit, just hang in there with me while i rack my brain about how to find out this babes name.just to my surprise, a ball came straight out of nowhere crashed through the busy hallway and straight at the unkown babes head. ' INCOMING MATTHEW!" right then and there, my ears have never heard such sweetness. matthew. his name was matthew, well, matthew. if you dont know this i am a shy, but also very determined sinlge as a prinlge independant white woman. and i will have you.......maybe.


you might be wondering,you freak how do you know soo much about mathew? is this girl some kind of sourcerer. well no. but how cool would that be! im lea. lea gabriella johnson.lea if you want to keep it classy. me and matt, we did have something once upon a time, and it was beautiful, not like any other relationship i have ever experienced or heard about. you see me and matthew lee, my star crossed love were once inseperable, like two peas in pod,but that is long gone now. matt, despite all that went done between us and all that corrupeted our present lives, will always be my one , my first, best love.

to the future:

watching him laugh like an idiot after all that happened between us, watching him move along in the hallway and brush past my shoudler still leaves a burning sensation on my shoulder and in my mind that lasts for days, stil continues to complete my life. on the contrary it also pians me to see him happy, not in a bad way dont get me wrong,seeing him move on soo fast like nothing happened is as if a gladiator has stepped on my neck with his sandals and pulled out a knife to my choked throat.everytime i look down on my wrist i remember the struggles of our relationship . and how someone soo beautiful could at the same time, be so vulnerable.i want him to be happy eternily. ofcourse i do! being his own goofy class clown, sarcastic loving self.that is what i loved about him after all. his uplifitng charisma is what i dored about him as he walks over to his best friends scott and taylor i see that day he asked me out, the day he asked me finally to be his valentine.i remmebr the smirk on his face, the way he had his eyes glued to me, even the way dominique (dom) and taylor cooing him from the sidelines.i remember vividy myself blushing, then how he lowered his gaze towards the ground, kicking around gravel and wondered. how somebody so hurt could be so beautiful.that ladies and gentlemen, gentlemen if you would like to encounter on my oh so girly journey, was the beginning of the best days of my life.this is just the beginning.

ellooo!!! its mayaaa again! i just wanted to say that i have indeed started a new story yes. but you have to bare with me since i am in year 12 and will be sititng my hsc in exactly one year i will be studying my behind off, so my updating will be rather slow, and as for my big fat friendzone it will end soon i promise i havent let that one go or not updated on purpose, im just trying to make the ending abit more fun and exciting as was the story line, wihtout further a do, welcome to lea go round. i love this story and i hope you do to! vote comment and inbox me anyting you would like to be featured in the story please i love taking suggestions and take each and every one fo them seriosuly and into account. THANKYOU FOR THE SUPORT I LOVE YOUUUUU!

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