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Alphys wasn't too helpful. She said that all the clones just appeared, poof, they were there. Then they'd left. They hadn't said anything, or done anything, but she said they moved almost mechanically, and sometimes flickered in and out of existence.

Ink hurried back to the Crease, but Error wasn't there yet. He teleported to Shadow and stroked his ribs, waiting patiently.

Eventually, Error appeared, looking shaken and dishevelled. He repositioned the hoodie on his shoulders, then began to talk.

"Nightmare refused to tell me, so I had to use a bit of force. He's working for someone, a man, but I couldn't find out who. They created the clones, and can somehow tap into classic Undertale's actual code. Apparently, Nightmare and Dream get a reward if they help him," he explained.

Ink nodded along. "I talked to the classic Alphys and she said that the clones just appeared. Maybe the person Nightmare was working for hacked Undertale and created the clones?"

Error considered it for a minute. "I guess,"

Ink pondered for a minute. They had to find the hacker and save Shadow, as well as Error's old soul. It still flickered in the vial, strapped to Ink's band. He glanced down at it, then his eyes travelled over the other vials, only a few drops away from being empty.

"Before we find the hacker, I need to get the proper ingredients for the emotions," Ink said.

"You better let me come, because it's gonna be so boring here--" Error blurted.

"Yep," Ink interrupted, grinning.

He beckoned for Error to follow as he teleported away.

The journey to collect the ingredients was a difficult one. Ink decided to tackle the most dangerous places first, before getting the regular ingredients later.

"Right, first to the Ruins in FlowerFell," he said, creating a portal. He made a mocking bow and sweeping gesture towards the portal, offering Error to go first. He glowered at Ink, then smiled slyly and shoved him through the portal, before jumping in.

Ink fell, crashing to the strangely violet stones. He had pushed himself to hands and knees when all of a sudden, Error landed on top of him, slamming him into the floor again.

"Get dunked on!" Error exclaimed, smirking. "Thanks for cushioning my fall!"

Ink rolled his eyes and got up, forcing Error to roll off of him. They'd been standing on a wall, and Error rolled right off of it, and was hurled by his momentum into a patch of red bushes.

Ink laughed and leaped easily off the wall, touching down lightly beside Error, who was grumbling under his breath as he staggered forward.

"The buttercups are that way." Ink pointed, then strode off, with Error still struggling to regain his balance.

Error caught up with Ink, then teleported ahead, to the pile of buttercups underneath the hole. He kicked a bunch, except his foot rammed into a stone grave, hidden by the yellow petals, and yelled out in pain. Error peered at the grave, brushing off the petals, and read it.

Ink already knew that there were two graves here. Frisk's, and--

"Sans," Error read aloud. He shrugged, looking up at Ink.

Ink picked a few buttercups, then hid them behind his back and walked over to Error. He tucked one into Error's hoodie, then placed one on his skull. Error shook it off, scowling, then picked a bunch and threw them at Ink. He teleported out of the way, snickering, as the butter-yellow petals floated to the ground.

"Did you know, buttercups glow yellow on someone's chin if they like butter?" Ink spouted, grinning. Error tried to throw more of the flowers at him, but Ink dodged again. He picked up one of the already picked buttercups and held it under his chin. "Is it glowing yellow?"

"Nah," Error replied, picking a buttercup for himself. He held it under his chin and looked bored. "Yellow?"

Ink smiled. "Your chin isn't, your cheekbones are,"

Sure enough, Error was blushing that strange soft yellow blush of his. His eyes widened a tiny bit and he hastily turned away, dropping the buttercup. Ink giggled.

"Cheeky," Error remarked, winking. "Pun intended."

Ink put a few of the petals in his pocket, the ingredients that he needed for the happiness potion. Then, he took a step back, but Error had teleported behind him and stuck out his foot. Ink tripped, but fell right onto Error, who couldn't scramble out of the way fast enough. They lay in the buttercups, dizzy but happy. At least, Ink was.

Then, Error wriggled out from under Ink, and tried to get up, but Ink grabbed his bony hand, and pulled him back down, right on top of himself. Error froze where he was, trembling slightly.

Ink pecked him on the cheek.

CreaseTale 0.2 (ErrorInk ~ Undertale AU)Where stories live. Discover now