part 5

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Derek, Dark, and Chase were sitting on the couch, Chase's kids sitting on each side of him, holding his hands, Dark sitting in the middle, holding Wilford's hands who was behind the couch, leaning forward. Eric was sitting right next to his father Derek, who was staring ahead, listening to Dark speak.

"I was back in that forest." He began looking down. "Back in purgatory, when Celine was trying to keep me-... Damien safe..." Dark shook his head as he shivered. "But I was nothing but safe. I was running, following Wilford's voice." He turned to Wilford, who was staring at him, listening to him speak. "You... you sounded like you were in trouble. I had to make sure you were safe. I... I heard your voice in the cabin but wh-when I went in there you... you were nowhere." His eyes became glassy as the memory played through his mind. "Th-the next thing I know I'm b-back here holding-holding a bloody ax, s-standing over your-." He let out a shaky sigh as he put a hand over his mouth, trying to hold back a sob, tears streaming down his eyes.

The others looked down, putting two and two together. All of them stay silent, before Dark spoke again, shaking his head.

"I w-would never hurt any of you!" Dark said looking at Derek, Eric, and Wilford. "Never. I... I know I was h-harsh and act like I didn't care but-but I do I-." Dark shook his head, hiding into his hand as he sobbed. "I know I'm a villain in the viewers' eyes but... But not here... I'm not!"

"Shshsh Darky," Wilford whispered, leaning down as he kissed cheek and his hand he was holding. "We know Darky. We know you aren't. That wasn't the real you."

Everyone remained quiet, before looking at Derek, who had tears streaming down his eyes.

"I... I was back in my childhood home." He looked down, clenching his fists as he spoke. "I was... about 9 years old and... my father.... came in yelling at m-me... He took off his belt and-." He shook his head, his body trembling. "He beat me and wouldn't stop." He clenched his teeth as he looked up. "I had enough, so I took that belt from him and started beating him back but... But I wasn't beating him." 

They all blinked, looking at the trembling father, waiting for him to finish.

Derek sighed, shaking his head. "I-I had th-the belt in m-my hand and a beer in th-the other, s-standing over y-you." Derek sobbed, looking at Eric.

Eric stared at his father in shock, before looking to the ground. His father may have been hard on him, and mean at times but... His father would never lay a finger on him.

Derek hid his face with his hand, shaking his head as he squints his eyes shut. "Th-that's my worst fear." He whispered, turning from Eric. "I'm afraid... that I will f-follow in my f-fathers footsteps... be-becoming an abusive drunk of a f-father." He sniveled, hiding into his hands.

Eric was quiet for a moment, looking down at the ground, listening to his father sob. He slowly lifted his head, placing a hand on his shoulder, watching as he flinched, looking up at his son with confusion. "It's o-okay pops... you're n-nothing l-liketh-that."

Derek looked down with uncertainty in his features, beginning to fiddle with his hands. "B-but... But I-."

"Have you e-ever layed a h-hand on me... or Lerek, or s-sterek? Have y-you e-ever hit one of your k-kids in a d-drunken stupor?"

Derek paused, blinking once or twice as he thought of Eric's question. After a second of thinking it over, he slowly shook his head, looking at his son. "N-no."

Eric smiles, as he takes his father's hands into his own. "Then you got nothing like the-that to worry about." He explained, shaking his head. "If you w-where like y-your father I-I wouldn't have the-the pops I love r-right in front of m-me."
Derek looked at his son, his heartwarming from his kind words.

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